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Identity By Natalia Zielinska.

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Presentation on theme: "Identity By Natalia Zielinska."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identity By Natalia Zielinska

2 Overview The theme of Unit 1 and 2 is identity.
Identity for me is friends, family, self-image, personality, who you are etc. Unit 1 was all practical work and learning new skills whereas, Unit 2 was about the research and the written work. This project was 6 weeks long.

3 Drawing/Photography We started of this week with taking a range of photos of each other and our peers from different angles being inspired by the photographer, Vivian Maier. We did thumbnail drawings of our self's inspired by Da Vinci. With Barry, we did speed drawings and continuous line drawings. We also extended our work by working with photoshop and being inspired by Andy Warhol and Dan Mountford.

4 My Work

5 Mono Printing We started of this week with an introduction to the print room and the health and safety. Our tutor, Amy, showed us how to mono print. We made experimental A5 pieces. Then, we created different surfaces with collages from things like different types of paper and magazines to put our final pieces on. In Barry’s lesson, we made our final mono prints on the surfaces we made earlier. We were inspired by the artists Kathe Kollwitz and Rose Jaffe.

6 My Work

7 Colour/Paint We started of this week with an introduction to the colour wheel and identified key parts of the wheel (primary, secondary, tertiary, complimentary, and harmonious colours). We were inspired by the artist Pablo Picasso and Chuck Close that use colour in their work in different ways. We learnt how to grid up which was inspired by the use of Chuck Closes large scale work. We increased an A5 image to A3. We created a photo montage that was inspired by David Hockey. We coloured our portraits with paints and pens/pencils. We were inspired by Picassos Weeping Woman.

8 My Work Pablo Picasso Chuck Close David Hockney

9 Ceramics We started of this week with an introduction to ceramics and the tools, materials, processes and health and safety. We created small test tiles with clay. We created a larger final piece of our face. We were inspired by the work of Stephen Dixon and Ron Mueck.

10 My Work Ron Mueck Stephen Dixon

11 Textiles We started of with an introduction to textiles, the basic stitches (running stitch, straight stitch, couching etc.), equipment and tools that are used. We made a sample sheet of different stitches. Learnt and understood how to use image maker to learn how to transfer images onto fabric. We created a final portait using diffferent materials and methods like hand sitching and applique. The artists that we were inspired by were Rosie James and Alice Kettle.

12 My Work Rosie James Alice Kettle

13 Abbot Hall Visit We went to visit the Abbot Hall art gallery to look at the exhibitions that were there but we mostly concentrated on the Great Picture by Jan Van Belcamp that was of Lady Anne Clifford because it was related to identity.

14 Two artists that have inspired me
Vivian Maier – Interesting black and white photographs that show the real street life of America. People from different cultures and classes. Different angles, viewpoints and reflections. Concentrates on people. Rosie James – Textile artist that draws with thread. Continuous lines. Uses patterns and bright applique pieces. Takes inspiration from crowds of people.

15 Reflection I have learnt many new techniques and developed on my evaluating and researching skills. I think that the A3 colour portrait went well because I used a variation of colours that all looked good together and suited each other. I think that the mono printing did not go as well because it was my first time doing this technique and it was not too neat because sometimes I did not roll the ink out too well. However, I am really proud of my final piece.

16 Target Setting I would like to improve further on ceramics because I really enjoy it but with further practice I feel like I will get better. I would also like to revisit mono printing to get better at it as I found it quite difficult because I have never done it before. In my next projects I plan to use textiles as that is what I am mostly interested in. I need to do more blog work at home through the days when I am not in college so that I am up to date with my work and that is what I will be doing for my next project.

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