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HEPiX Fall 2005, SLAC October 10th 2005

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1 HEPiX Fall 2005, SLAC October 10th 2005
Collaboration Tools HEPiX Fall 2005, SLAC October 10th 2005

2 Why? Why the recent interest in collaboration tools?
Taken from the LCG RTAG report The scale and size of modern experiments leads to a dramatic jump in the number of people needing to collaborate The complexity of modern experiments leads to an increased need for collaboration Technology advances make collaboration more feasible and (almost) affordable There appears to be more reluctance by some individuals to travel, probably due to a combination of factors

3 What? What are collaboration tools?
Again taken from the RTAG report – “hardware and software applications used by a collaboration to facilitate communication and the sharing of information among its members.” The technologies include Electronic mail, including mailing lists Document management Agenda management and calendaring Instant messaging blogs Shared whiteboards Web casting Phone and Video conferencing Etc, etc. The list above is confirmed in a report by the ILC GANCOMM group at DESY on Collaborations Tools for ILC studies

4 Who? Much input today from members of the recent LCG RTAG
LCG = LHC Computing Grid project RTAG = Requirements and Technical Assessment Group. RTAGs consist of experts from across the globe knowledgeable about a particular subject. RTAG 12 dealt with Collaboration Tools and was chaired by Steven Goldfarb of the University of Michigan. Although its mandate and report may be CERN and LCG-specific, its review of the technology and applications is certainly valid and applies to all modern HEP and similar sites and experiments.

5 Thanks Thanks in advance to all the speakers today, especially those who have detoured here on their way to the ESnet conference on this subject later this week in Berkeley.

6 Some References LCG RTAG12 Report

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