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Year 3 2017-2018.

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1 Year

2 Homework Maths or English every Friday and returned by Wednesday.
Sometimes homework will be projects and the children will be given more time to complete these. Each piece shouldn’t take longer than minutes. Although children will need support. Please sign and comment on your child's homework.

3 Spellings New spellings given on a Friday with the homework in an orange spelling book Spellings are from Read Write Inc Children tested on a Wednesday Encourage children to write 3 sentences using their spellings. They will also get time through the week in school to practise during Read Write Inc

4 Reading Log Read out loud for 10 minutes every day
Books can be taken home from the class or school library Reading logs will be checked at least every Friday Reading logs should be brought in every day so children can change their books as needed Please fill in the reading log at least once a week Read various media e.g. magazines, newspapers, websites, books…

5 Times Tables Revision throughout September (2, 5 and 10!)
Times Tables books need to be brought in everyday they will be checked at least every Wednesday. Keep helping children at home, daily practise is the best way to learn them! Expectation is that children should know their tables and division facts up to 12’s by the end of Year 4! In Year 3 we focus on 3, 4 and 8. Please return green tables books

6 Learning This Half Term
English How do we know about the past? Looking at the story of Mary Anning and the role of the palaeontologist. Going on an archaeological dig to find Stone Age artefacts and report this in a school newsletter. Discovering what it was like to be alive in the Stone Age through stories; Minnow and the Bear and Stone Age Boy. Maths Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division! History The Stone Age to the Iron Age (it’s only 99% of all human history…) Science Rocks, fossils and soil PE, Gymnastics, Computing, Philosophy, French, PSHE, Music, Art, RE and breathe…

7 Other Things PE days are Tuesday and Thursday, children need to make sure their kits are in. Spelling, Timestables, Homework all in on a Wednesday. Spellings and Homework out on a Friday. Water bottles are needed in school every day. Year 3 blog – updated weekly with a link from the school website Me – Monday, Thursday, Friday evenings or in the morning speak to the office- I’m usually here somewhere!

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