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Statistics for Psychology

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1 Statistics for Psychology
A Quick Summary

2 Introduction Introduction to the Course The Nature of Statistics
Psychology and Science Four parts and four steps There are no neutral statistics Variables, Summation Sign, Probability Theory and Hypothesis Testing with empirical observations A self-correcting feedback loop in combination with healthy skepticism

3 Descriptive Statistics
Visual Presentations & Shape Frequency tables and graphs The normal distribution Central Tendency Various measures & outfits 3 Characteristics of any statistic Skewed data, Deviation scores Variation Various measures and logic of calculating the std r x Relative Location Raw score & standardized Proportions under the normal curve Correlation Design vs. Statistic Understanding correlations and scatterplots Pearson r: Logic, calculation, r2, assumptions, causation issues std =  (x - mean)2 N

4 Inferential Statistics
x α Hypothesis Testing Types of hypotheses & falsification The four part story Hypothesis direction Decisions vs. reality What you want to test What you want to say What you need in order to generalize What you need to reject the null Inferential Statistical Tests The four steps Single sample, two sample tests, and Anova Assumptions and logic for all Detailed calculations for three Decision tree for all Reject Fail to Reject Null True Null False I II + α - Power

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