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Response to a Godless Culture

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1 Response to a Godless Culture
Ideologies of our Culture Multiculturalism - all roads lead to heaven. ( No one way) Moral Relativism - all truth is relative. (No one Truth) New Tolerance - live however you like. (No one Lifestyle)

2 Response to a Godless Culture
No one Way! No one Truth! No one Lifestyle! Jesus says: I am ….. the way, the truth, the life.

3 Response to a Godless Culture
Five things we can’t be in our culture. Indifferent Acts 17:16 His spirit stirred within him “God is not so concerned about the immorality of the world as He is about the indifference of His Church!” Billy Graham

4 Response to a Godless Culture
Five things we can’t be in our culture. Ignorant Acts 17:17 Reasoned from the Scriptures Confronted the ideals of society Defended the faith Paul was not ignorant nor inept We are afraid to tell the world what happened

5 Response to a Godless Culture
Five things we can’t be in our culture. Insensitive Acts 17:22 Made a connection (relationship) Lost people will not act like the saved Christians often shoot their wounded Do you see wrong behavior or lost souls

6 Response to a Godless Culture
Five things we can’t be in our culture. Intimidated Acts 17:23-30 Intellectual stronghold “What you worship in ignorance” (23)

7 Response to a Godless Culture
Address’s various belief systems Evolutionist – God created (24) Pantheist – does not dwell in temples (24) Secular humanist – served by hands (25) Moral relativist – seek and grope (27) Universalist – all repent (30-31) Called to repent because of one Man who God raised from the dead. (31)

8 Response to a Godless Culture
Five things we can’t be in our culture. Void of Integrity Acts 17:28 We must be real with the world Must stand true on the convictions of the Word of God “Is it true” Daniel 3:14

9 Response to a Godless Culture
Application Seek Him Constantly Indifference Ignorance Serve Him Faithfully Insensitive Intimidated Share Him Boldly Integrity

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