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Better Start Bradford Improving the life chances of children by supporting families through pregnancy and their earliest years.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Start Bradford Improving the life chances of children by supporting families through pregnancy and their earliest years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Start Bradford Improving the life chances of children by supporting families through pregnancy and their earliest years.

2 The Story So Far … Spend on strategic and large scale change in an area of Bradford Working with families from conception to 3 years Bradford Trident identified as lead organisation Successful at each stage of submitting bids Application made to Big Lottery for £30-50 million over 10 years 5 areas succeeded in receiving funding Bradford awarded £49 million over 10 years Big Lottery funded us as a partnership

3 Our Children – Better Start Bradford Area
63,375 people 1430 births p/a 22,984 aged 0-17yrs 5,669 aged 0-3yrs 25% White British people 49% South Asian (Pakistan) 2,086 children with lone parent 6,885 aged 0-16yrs living in low income family

4 Needs Highest level of deprivation and child poverty in the district
Highest child obesity levels in Reception and Year 6 Lowest levels in district for ‘school readiness’ Highest infant mortality rates in district High accident rates High rates of child protection plans and domestic violence referral

5 The Approach Strong community engagement and influence
Working in partnership across the ‘Better Start Family’ Joint approach across Early Years, Health Visiting, Midwifery Services, Voluntary & Community Sector and Primary Care Leverage funding showing commitment of partners Learning lessons from examples already in place Fitting with strategic priorities Evidence based and focused on improving outcomes

6 Making a change Social & emotional development
Working in partnership to improve the outcomes for 0-3 year olds Social & emotional development Language & communication Diet & nutrition

7 Diet and Nutrition – “Eat, Live, Love”
HAPPY (Healthy Active Parenting Programme for the early Years) Breastfeeding Support Project HENRY Cook and Eat Pre-schoolers in the Playground Forest Schools


9 Service Design of HENRY
Methodology developed by the Social Research Unit in Dartington All projects using the template for service design regardless of prior development. Key partners included in the process throughout Includes: Evidence review and EIF rating Logic model development Service components development Consultation with community and stakeholders Monitoring and evaluation options Theory of change and proposed outcomes Data capture Detailed budget

10 Logic model for HENRY in Better Start Bradford

11 Measuring Impact BIBBS – Born in Bradford’s Better Start
A partnership of Better Start Bradford and Born In Bradford uniting academics from the Universities of York, Bradford, Leeds and Leeds Beckett to provide a centre for evaluation. BORN IN BRADFORD’S BETTER START COHORT A new cohort of babies for a longitudinal study of factors affecting their life. Born in Bradford innovation hub will collect information about women in pregnancy and their children as they grow up. This will help us understand children’s health and development and to see which projects help to make a difference. Creating an evidence base for those interventions without one already and strengthening those with one.

12 In the future our children will …
Be healthier Be emotionally resilient Be active learners Be ready for school with good development or higher aged 5 years Have better nutrition Be more active Be less obese at 5 years old

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