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Comprehending Radio Program.

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1 Comprehending Radio Program.
Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman

2 B.KK.SK.2. Comprehending Radio Program.
Elaborating Evaluation Program Radio Broadcast

3 Method Evaluate Program.
Method which can be used by is survey or opinion footstep For example propagatedly with refer to question in the form of or kuesioner enquette to a number of citizen selected at random certain and or

4 Pursuant to example of exploiting of result of survey, we can see that there is result survey which can be used direct and there is result of survey processed beforehand ( newly later then can be exploited)

5 Evaluate Program. Either through direct submitted/sent to broadcaster ( when meeting) and also through letter, phone, visit to studio and through programs which interaktif A community radio station generally always get feed back from [his/its] hearer variously

6 Evaluate Radio Broadcast Program
Evaluate to program of radio broadcast very needed by a radio station The mentioned [done/conducted] to measure how far the hearer assessment or response to radio station existence, inclusive of various type program in it

7 But the the mentioned not yet of course last for getting a intact picture hit community desire and requirement, and surely picture of about performance a radio station and also how [his/its] position in the centre of socialize

8 Congeniality Survey Survey is a information gathering activity from a number of responder by using various teknik/metoda/cara, for example using kuesioner

9 Generally, congeniality survey limited at research which [his/its] data [is] collected from sampel for population for representing entire/all population. This matter differ from census which informasinya collected from entire/all population

10 Survey Hearer [done/conducted]ly is survey to hearer to get a picture of about performance a radio station and also how [his/its] position in the centre of socialize

11 Unit Analyse Survey Generally representing unit analyse in research execution survey is individual

12 Partisipative Survey Hearer
Partisipative approach require to be [done/conducted] in execution Survey hearer, aim to Knowing how far the radio earn in accepted by it’s community, like information submitted /sent and or the entertainment amusement presented by through broadcast event program in radio

13 The mentioned can be [done/conducted] with community involvement in a n planning to determine substance of any kind of to be made by a items for survey

14 Others facilitate for radio organizer to know requirement of [his/its] community because can mirror some of [his/its] community requirement to radio

15 Generally a lot of manner of characteristic of hearer a community radio, difference of the characteristic perhaps will affect at storey;level of requirement of information and program radio event

16 A n process of dig of requirement for [his/its] hearer is of vital importance [done/conducted] by organizer a statiun of community radio However earning in responsibility reply to determine storey level of acceptance from hearer for program of event of broadcast to and have been presented by a station of community radio

17 Form Participation Survey
As active responder Assisting to collect data, through various teknik/metoda

18 Join in in assisting to study result survey
Join in in activity of pasca survey

19 Question in Survey Hearer
Whether/What program of event of radio have as according to requirement, problems, potency, agenda or community importance

20 How far the community require station of mentioned in getting substance and information for development

21 Whether/What the station viewed as by a information source which can be pledged and own credibility of among all hearer

22 image And status of like what owned by staff station of the radio is eye of local community

23 What diperbuat of all hearer with information which they obtain;get
What diperbuat of all hearer with information which they obtain;get? Whether/What they exploit it, menyimpannya, going on of it to others, or look for supplementary information

24 Result of Survey Applicable to
Upon which for perencaaan program radio broadcast event. Upon which to evaluate radio program. Upon which analyse to a[n hal/isu. Upon which the input for investigation ( penelitian) hereinafter. Upon which for news

25 Things which must be paid attention to, in the plan survey
Purposes And Objectives Method Schedule Question ( don't difficult to be replied) Responder Regional Coverage [of] survey Analyse

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