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Site Logistics Public access to site

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1 Site Logistics Public access to site
Ground floor, first floor atrium, auditorium of Wilson Hall are public areas The Ground Floor doors lock at 8:00 P.M. each day. The front Atrium doors lock at 11:00P.M. each day. All doors unlock at 6:00 A.M. each day. Generally WH is open to the public 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. each day, although anyone here on a conference can have access as required by the conference. The only exception would be that access between 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. would have to be arranged. When in doubt, just be accompanied by a Fermilab person Joint Techs / ESCC July 15th-19th, 2007

2 Site Logistics Power in meeting rooms: Meals and Breaks
Auditorium has multi-drop power cords snaked throughout front sections (to Row J). Please take care with trip hazard. Sit up front! One West fully wired (ESCC will be there) Smaller conference rooms are hit and miss Meals and Breaks See agenda for locations. Ask at registration desk if any assistance needed to reach tent area. Rest rooms (see maps distributed at registration) In lobby of auditorium, but also Ground Floor West and at either side of elevators on First (Atrium) floor Joint Techs / ESCC July 15th-19th, 2007

3 Site Logistics Laptop Registration
Instruction sheet distributed with registration Note that you could “get on the network”, but later be blocked Instructions give some common reasons Please ask for assistance if needed Computing Help Desk Computing Help Desk and Laptop / center Ground Floor North, open 8AM – 4:30PM Ports available “outside of lab boundary” to download patches Joint Techs / ESCC July 15th-19th, 2007

4 Tours Grid Computing Center (GCC) Collider Detector Facility (CDF)
Tour schedule noted in agenda: Monday and Tuesday 12:30 or 1:15. First-come, first-served. We can take about 15 people per location per time slot. Wilson Hall Joint Techs / ESCC July 15th-19th, 2007

5 Laptop Registration Steps
See instructions for accessing wireless network Open a web browser to any URL Captive page will instruct you to register Supply your name, Note “Joint Techs” as Local Contact Name, remaining fields not needed Your machine will be scanned “Passed, but took too long” is not unusual (you’ll be caught later if problems) If Failed, then take laptop to Help Desk area to get an external connection for download of patches Critical vulnerabilities listed at Renew your DHCP lease For example, in Windows do “ipconfig/release” and “ipconfig/renew” in a command window Or just reboot your laptop Address usable until midnight; must register each day We are temporarily extending the number of allowed registrations to span the duration of the workshop Common problems and solutions Scan finds unauthenticated (non-Kerberos) services  Shut off offending services (e.g. non-Kerberized telnet, r-cmds) or request exemption Machine behaves as if scanning network  Remove offending application (e.g. Skype, BitTorrent, peer-to-peer apps) Some traffic is blocked at site border Must use site DNS  Configure to accept dhcp supplied DNS server Joint Techs / ESCC July 15th-19th, 2007

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