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Creation and analysis of a human protein expression atlas

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1 Creation and analysis of a human protein expression atlas
Maxime Menu 1st Master in Biomedical Sciences Promotor: Prof. Dr. Lennart Martens Begeleider: Kenneth Verheggen Academiejaar:

2 Introduction Hypotheses Workflow Reprocessing public data
Protein inference Human Protein expression atlas Proteome versus transcriptome Hypotheses Workflow

3 Large amounts of data are continuously submitted to PRIDE

4 Protein and peptide inference are similar
Klie et al. Journal of Proteome Research, 2007

5 Antibodies aid the creation of a protein expression atlas
Uhlen et al. Science, 2015

6 Which can also be done using identified proteins through MS
Wilhelm et al. Nature, 2014

7 Proteome and transcriptome atlasses are complementary
mRNA and protein expression levels do not fully correlate Protein expression levels outperform mRNA expression levels for PPI predictions Vogel et al. Nature Reviews Genetics, 2012 Kim et al. Nature, 2014

8 An expression atlas based on existing mass spectrometry data…
…is very cheap …can complement an antibody-based atlas …could reveal tissuetypic peptides …could become a precedent for medical and tissue-specific atlasses

9 A conceptual workflow has been set up

10 The data will be retrieved automatically from PRIDE and processed using ReSpin

11 The processed data will be stored and visualised using appropriate techniques

12 The analysis of the atlas is composed of several steps

13 Thank you for your attention!

14 Addendum - Planning

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