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Rare Earth Elements a group of chemically similar metallic elements comprising the lanthanide series and (usually) scandium and yttrium. They are not especially.

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Presentation on theme: "Rare Earth Elements a group of chemically similar metallic elements comprising the lanthanide series and (usually) scandium and yttrium. They are not especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rare Earth Elements a group of chemically similar metallic elements comprising the lanthanide series and (usually) scandium and yttrium. They are not especially rare, but they tend to occur together in nature and are difficult to separate from one another.

2 Rare Earth Elements The ores of rare earth elements form chemically complex minerals and are commonly radioactive.









11 India


13 To be clear, the U. S. didn't run out of rare earth minerals
To be clear, the U.S. didn't run out of rare earth minerals. Companies stopped mining rare earths by 2003, opting instead to buy them on the cheap from China -- and a monopoly was born. Ever the opportunist, China has taken full advantage of its control of the rare earth market. China curbed exports of rare earths several years ago and has maintained quotas ever since. Molycorp has begun a start-up of its $895 million rare earth manufacturing facility to restart the Mountain Pass mine in California 

14 Although rare earth elements are relatively abundant in the Earth's crust, they are rarely concentrated into mineable ore deposits. Iron Hill, Gunnison County, Colorado

15 The floor of the Pacific Ocean may hold reserves of rare earth elements.
It is estimated that an area of 1 square kilometer could provide one-fifth of the current annual world consumption of rare earth elements. Rare-earth elements recoverable from deep-sea mud constitute a highly promising huge resource.

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