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Chapter 4 Self-Esteem & Sex.

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1 Chapter 4 Self-Esteem & Sex

2 Self-Esteem One’s feeling of high or low self worth
High SE associated (r) with more sex Why? SE -> sex? Sex -> SE? 3rd V?

3 Sociometer We all need to belong
Social support: Perception that others are available to offer help (church attendance) SS reduces morbidity & mortality rates Risk level same as smoking, exercising

4 Sociometer SE is a meter that tracks social success (SS)
Social success (popularity) causal (3rd) V SE Social success (popularity) Dating (SEX)

5 Anxiety, Inhibition Women - high SE associated w/ fellatio & masturbation High SE associated w/ less inhibitions, anxiety SE Anxiety Sex

6 Conquest Mentality Sex may increase SE (~social desirability)
Gender difference & social exchange Women give sex to men Ego loss for women gain for men Men compete for # of ‘Conquests’(Spur Posse) Paul Reiser on SNL Reservoir Dogs

7 Conquest Mentality SE +r w/ # partners for men, -r for women
The more partners they have: Men feel better & women feel worse Stud v. Slut Class Data (N = 103 , females = 74 ) r between self-esteem, # partners Males r = .16, ns Females r = .07, ns

8 Conquest Mentality Some studies show no r for females
Quality of partner more closely linked to SE Females SE increases by having sex w/ high quality (and not just many) partners

9 What causes this mentality?
Conquest Mentality What causes this mentality? Evolution Genetic success ~# partners for males Genetic success ~partner quality for females Social Exchange Female maximize sex value by giving it rarely to high quality partners Males obtain as much resource as possible

10 Sex Appeal SE associated with self-perceived sex appeal (but not actual attractiveness) Class Data r between self-esteem, perceived attractiveness Males r = .53, p < .01 Females r = .40, p < .001

11 Sex Appeal Men ~> women on SE Body image (women less positive)
Women highly critical of bodies

12 American Thinness Craze
Changing standards Models Playboy Miss America Pornography w/ plump models popular elsewhere



15 American Thinness Craze: Causes
Men Not totally Women want to be thinner than men want them

16 Fallon & Rozin (1985) Thinnest Women’s ideal Women’s current
body image Heaviest What women believed men preferred What men actually preferred

17 American Thinness Craze: Causes
Media Feeds public interest Less Power to change us

18 American Thinness Craze: Causes
Females competing for mates Males - status Females - physical attraction Plastic surgery (expensive, dangerous) Weight (easy to control)

19 Conclusion How we see ourselves has impact on and is impacted by our sexuality Nature of impact depends on gender, social and other factors

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