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National Assessment and Accreditation

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1 National Assessment and Accreditation
Dr.Indulal G St.Aloysius College, Edathua (TalkDelivered at BAM College, Thuruthikkad on NAAC Accreditation)

2 Vision To make quality the defining element of higher education in India through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.

3 Why NAAC ? For the Staff: MUST now
Know the Credentials of Your Institute Scope for up gradation of skills through regular Appraisals Good NAAC grade attracts bright Students – knowledge level of the institute raises Good grade – attracts good takings Good Grade – Scope for new horizons

4 Mission Statement 1 To arrange for periodic assessment and accreditation of institutions of higher education IQAC and NAAC Cell of College

5 IQAC Mission Statement 2
To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching, learning and research in HEI’s. IQAC

6 Mission Statement 3 To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations. Management, Faculty and Students

7 Mission Statement 4 To undertake quality-related research, consultancy and training programmes.

8 Mission Statement 5 To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.

9 How it’s done? The three stages are:
The preparation and submission of a self-study report by the unit of assessment. The on-site visit of the peer team for validation of the self- study report The final decision by the Executive Committee of the NAAC.

10 Assessment Indicators

11 Criteria 1 – Curricular Aspects Total 100 Marks
Divisions Weightage Curricular planning and implementation 20 Academic Flexibility 30 Curriculum Enrichment Feedback System

12 Criterion 1 - Grade – 3 - B Key Aspects Weightage Grades 0 to 4 WGP
Curricular planning and implementation 20 3 60 Academic Flexibility 30 90 Curriculum Enrichment Feedback System Total 100 300 Grade=WGP/Total weightage

13 Criteria 2 – Teaching-learning and Evaluation -350 marks
Student Enrolment and Profile 30 Catering to Student Diversity 50 Teaching- learning Process 100 Teacher Quality 80 Evaluation Process and Reforms Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 40

14 Criteria 3 – Research, Consultancy and Extension -150
Promotion of research 20 Resource Mobilization for Research 10 Research Facilities Research Publications and Awards Consultancy Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility 60 Collaborations

15 Criteria 4 – Infrastructure and Learning Resources -100
Physical Facilities 30 Library as a Learning Resource 20 IT Infrastructure Maintenance of Campus Facilities

16 Criterion 5 - Student Support and Progression -100
Student Mentoring and Support 50 Student Progression 30 Student Participation and Activities 20

17 Criteria 6 – Governance, Leadership and Management -100
Institutional Vision and Leadership 10 Strategy Development and Deployment Faculty Empowerment Strategies 30 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 20 Internal Quality Assurance System

18 Criteria 7 – Innovations and Best Practices -100
Environment Consciousness 30 Innovations Best Practices 40

19 Grading A Very Good B Good C Satisfactory < 1.50 D Unsatisfactory

20 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation 1
Is there a mechanism for: a. Self appraisal of faculty ? b. Student assessment of faculty performance? c. Expert /Peer assessment of faculty performance? Academic Audit?

21 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
Teacher: student ratio Teachers with NET and SLET exams No of the faculty served as resource persons in Workshops/ Seminars/Conferences during the last five years.

22 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
No of faculty development programmes availed of by teachers Both Refresher and Orientation

23 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
No. of faculty development programmes organized by the college during the last five years Seminars/ workshops/symposia on curricular development, teaching- learning, assessment, etc. Research management Invited/endowment lectures Any other (specify)

24 Student Support 1 Mentoring Student facilities Teaching resources
Feed back Benefits Awards Extra curricular openings Placements Exposures

25 Student Support 2 Counselling Cell: Grievance Redressal Cell
Remedial Coaching Clubs Beyond Curriculam

26 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation

27 Students Sports and Games: Infrastructure and equipments
Motivation for students to participate in Games & Sports Incentives. Provision of Free Lodging and Boarding to outstanding sports women. Concessions in Fees for outstanding players. Proficiency awards given to the best players of the year. Missing attendance – classes PTA Women Cell’ EOC

28 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
Certificate Courses Profiency of english Spoken English Course Basic computer skills Basic Life support First Aid Financial Planning

29 Teaching-Learning, Evaluation Scholarships and Cash Awards
Merit Scholarships UGC Scholarships Scholarships for SC’s, ST’s, BC’s Scholarships for physically handicapped Poor Students Fund for Economically backward students. Fee concession and exemption for deserving students Awards by benefactors & alumnae Financial assistance to children of ex-servicemen.

30 Student Group Insurance Scheme
Faculty and staff

31 Governance & Leadership
Strength of Staff Sufficient or Not No of meetings of Academic and administrative bodies Welfare Schemes for the academic community ( for the 5 years) Loans - amount Medical attention - Amount Staff Support Programmes: No of Professional Development programmes for non teaching staff

32 Role of IQAC Governing Body Staff Council Meetings – suggestions – Implementation

33 Innovative Practices Established Internal QA mechanisms in place Student participation in Quality enhancement

34 Staff appraisal: Student Quality Circle : Grievance and Reddressal Cell ( Anti Ragging ) Counselling Cell Career Guidance Cell Women’s Cell

35 Role of IQAC

36 Seminars on Quality Enhancement
vision and mission of the institution Members Objectives AQAR Submission Seminars on Quality Enhancement Co-ordination teaching-learning process Research Culture Achievements of Student Fundings Infrastructure


38 Role of management…….. involvement of the leadership Formulation of action plans for all operations Procedures adopted by the institution to monitor and evaluate policies and plans of the institution

39 Driven Deployed Review IQAC plays a vital role Action plan
Staff council approves it and the faculty members deploy the policies Review Feedback, responses and suggestions from the teaching and non-teaching staff,parents, students, and alumni The staff council discusses and decisions are taken with the consent of the Governing body

40 Initiatives taken up by the IQAC in creating awareness
Academic Achievements MRP’s Constructive relationships formed Linkage with beneficiaries- Academic/Research/Industrial Quality improvement strategies Future Plans

41 Last Minute Check List

42 NAAC Visit within TWO months
Preparations started Form Committees and Groups Group 1 PTA Group 2 Governing Body Group 3 Alumni Group 4 Students

43 Committees NAAC – IQAC – Reception ( arrival – Day 0) Accommodation
Travel Reception ( College – Day 1) Refreshments + Food Mementos Board Display Publicity and Press LCD – Computer – Power

44 Internal beautification
Campus beautification Discipline Smart room – other ICT enabled class rooms Office Library Department level Co-ordination Whatsapp Group

45 Cultural programme College level Meetings Computer assistance Interaction Committees – Students – Faculty – PTA – Governing Body – Alumni Stationary – Pen – Paper – Note pad - ….. Department Level Presentations Guiding – Route Tour( ?) Exit meeting

46 Feedback from students – Analysis – Report
curriculum, campus experience, teaching, students support Documents – UGC letter of Affiliation University Act, Statute, Regulations and Ordinance UGC Regulations (chronologically) Government Orders (chronologically) GB Meetings Resolutions (chronologically) Audit Reports (chronologically) Budgets (chronologically) Annual Reports (chronologically)

47 Prospectus (chronologically)
Academic Calendar (chronologically) Master Plan Service Books Career Advancement Papers Leave Register Stock Register Minutes of Meetings of Statutory Bodies

48 Departments.. Departmental profile Teachers personal profile
Academic Plan (chronologically) Monthly Test Schedule Future Plan of Action Wall Magazine showing the activities of the students – Association Activities Departmental Budgets Departmental Stock Register PTA interactions Student achievements

49 Team Reached




53 how far the students are satisfied with regular teaching learning
whether there are regular monthly tests whether the evaluated answer scripts are discussed whether teachers encourage interactions in and outside the class whether the office is supportive whether the Principal is available to the students whether the library is supportive


55 whether their children have any complain about the college
whether classes are held regularly whether the teachers/college meet them frequently to discuss the progress of the students


57 whether the college today is better than what it was during their time
do they contribute to the development of the college by way ofcontributing money regularly job market networking any other

58 Cultural Programme by students
the college is a cohesive unit while performing the cultural programme the dynamism of the college authority the vibrancy of the students the life skills of the students

59 Stay and Day 2 Department visits

60 Meeting the Non-Teaching Staff in the College Office
Whether service book is up to date? How the day to day accounts are maintained? How the cashbook and the ledger book is maintained? Whether the accounts are audited regularly? What are the major audit recommendations? How far the college has complied with the audit recommendations? How the correspondence files are maintained? How the rules and regulations are maintained? How the minutes of the several statutory meetings are maintained? How the stock register is maintained?

61 Checking Documents Visiting facilities Stay DAY 2


63 Thank you

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