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Welcome! Back to School 2017-18 Mrs. McGrew Grades 3 and 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Back to School 2017-18 Mrs. McGrew Grades 3 and 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Back to School 2017-18
Mrs. McGrew Grades 3 and 4

2 Daily Routine Time Subject 8:30-8:50 Readiness Warm-up & announcements
8:50-10:00 Math 10:00-10:15 Recess 10:15-11:30 English Language Arts 11:30-12:05 AR/i-Ready/Library 12:05-12:45 Lunch and Recess 1:00-1:45* Science 1:45- 2:30 Social Studies 2:30-2:40 Readiness Wrap-up 2:45 Buses Leave Early release on Mondays at 1:40 Thursday 11:15-12:00 Art Monday & Wednesday 10:15-11:00 P.E.

3 Peek at the Week Weekly communication newsletter Reminders
Reading log (Monday-Thursday) to be signed and returned 3rd grade 20 minutes 80 minute week total 4th grade 30 minutes 120 minute week total Summary of current and up coming events and activities

4 Classroom Webpage and Email

5 Homework Yellow homework folders will be go home and come back everyday Spelling tests will be on Fridays Math homework Verbal presentations Reading logs/Accelerated Reader Work that was not completed during assigned class time may be sent home to be completed if class time wasted.

6 Grading Standard grading 4th Grading for 3rd
100-90% A excellent 89-80% B above average 79-70% C average 69-60% D below average 59% and below F fail Grading for 3rd 100-90% O outstanding 89-70% S satisfactory 69-60% N needs improvement 59% and below U unsatisfactory Progress Reports/Missing Assignments Reports will be sent home at mid-quarter.

7 Grading Math- 1point for each problem on homework page.
As a class we go over all the answers on the day it is due. Students have a chance to correct missed problems. Tests will be a combination of problems and math vocabulary. Each question is worth 2 points. Students that receive a 69% or below on a test will be able to correct missed problems for half credit.

8 Grading ELA- This will a combination of in class writing, AR reading and reading logs, spelling, and grammar work. 60% Writing assignments and grammar work 20% Spelling words and sentence writing work, roots and affix work 20% Accelerated reader, reading log and i-ready ELA

9 Grading Social Studies and Science- Physical Education-
1 point per question for workbooks, worksheets and tests. Classroom projects will include grading rubrics Participation points will be given Physical Education- Participation

10 Looking Ahead Activities and Events
Picture Day One in class project first 3 quarters Red Ribbon Week Parent Teacher Conferences Fall Festival-class raffle basket History Night Christmas Program Book Fairs Dr. Seuss Day 100th day of school Book parade Science Current Events Field Trips 4th grade sports MASS mountain area ski school

11 Additional Classroom Information
Water bottles can be kept at the students desk. Large binders and pencil boxes may be kept at school, but will be placed in an area away from the students as they can be a distraction. Headphones will be provided for computer use.

12 Classroom Volunteers Confirm with front office that you have met all of the required paperwork to participate in the classroom. Pre arrange volunteer time so I can plan accordingly. Please let me know ahead of time if you will be unable to make it in. Sign up sheet is available on the circle table. THANK YOU!

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