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Water day tomorrow (May 17th) More information to come in .

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Presentation on theme: "Water day tomorrow (May 17th) More information to come in ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water day tomorrow (May 17th) More information to come in email.
Week of May 16 Name: __________________________ Homework Calendar will be collected and checked every Friday. Behavior Purple: Leader of the Pack ($3) Blue: Grrrrreat Behavior ($2) Green: Ready to Explore ($1) Yellow: Warning Red: Uh-oh! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Behavior Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student will not be able to attend Fun Friday if he/she has 2 yellows or 1 red in one week. He/she will go to the Responsibility Room to reflect on his/her behavior and make a goal for the following week. Spelling Words Spelling Pattern: suffixes: -ful, -ly, -y sad sadly slow slowly dust dusty trick tricky help helpful Challenge Words friendship beautiful listen Weekly Story: Hi! Fly Guy Focus Skill(s): Adverbs Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Math What Time Is It? Compare Analog & Digital Clocks Hour & Minute Hands Telling Time to the Half Hour Reading -Complete your nightly reading fluency homework *see back* -Practice word list in your homework binder! -Read for minutes and record book(s) below– remember our class WIG! Spelling Spelling Choice Menu (backside of binder)- 2 activities due on Friday. Other Water day tomorrow (May 17th) More information to come in . Spring Cleaning? We’re looking for Auction Items! One man’s “trash” is another person’s treasure! Reading Log: Please fill out nightly. Goal is to read 1,250 books as a class! Day Title of Book(s): Who read? (circle one) Monday student parent Tuesday Wednesday Thursday (Thursday) Parent Signature: ___________________________________________

2 Weekly First Grade Fluency Homework Directions: (This process should be repeated every night.) 1. Student reads the passage aloud to the parent, who is timing them for EXACTLY one minute. During this time, the parent is also keeping track of any errors the child makes while reading, BUT does NOT try to correct the child at this time. 2. Parent records the number of words read in a minute (use the numbers at the end of each line to help you add quickly) and the number of errors. 3. Parent NOW points out and corrects the errors made to the child. 4. Student should retell everything they remember about the story to the parent. GOAL: Read 60 words per minute with a minimum of 90% accuracy. Retell at least three events from the story in the correct sequence Life in the Leaves

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