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Digital Audio Processing

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1 Digital Audio Processing
Tufts University – ES 65 October 12, 2017

2 Signal Flow Mic Level Preamp Line Level A/D Convertor
5-50 mV Preamp Line Level 50 mV – 2V A/D Convertor Digital Processing

3 A/D-D/A Convertors

4 Lab Signal Flow Mic Level Via USB

5 Tracking Studio Signal Flow
Line Level Mic Level Via Firewire

6 Mixing Studio Signal Flow
Via Firewire Converter Outputs Converter Inputs Console Inputs Console Outputs

7 Old Cart Signal Flow Via Lightpipe Mic Level Via Firewire

8 New Cart Signal Flow Mic Level Via USB

9 Analog to Digital Variables
Bit Depth Sample Rate Latency Clock Source Jitter Other things that are important but not necessary for use to talk about yet: -effective number of bits -INL/DNL errors -power dissapation

10 Bit Depth Sample Rate The process of A/D conversion is quantization, and when we quantize, there are errors which we call quantization or rounding errors.

11 https://documentation. apple. com/en/soundtrackpro/usermanual/index

12 https://documentation. apple. com/en/soundtrackpro/usermanual/index

13 3-bits That is actually three bits 000 001+ 011+ 010+ 100- 101- 111-


15 What’s this sound like? Tristan Perich All the sample rates

16 Aliasing Problem: When the recorded spectrum exceeds available spectrum before Nyquist theorm Solution: Filtering before the signal is recorded

17 Jitter Problem: Misrepresentation of the analog signal on record (A/D) or playback (D/A) Solution: Solid clocking

18 Clock Source 1 Bit of timing information Master vs. Slave
Word Clock vs. Embedded External Clocks

19 Dither Problem: Distortion as we reduce bit depth Solution:
Adding filtered/shaped noise -Dither is used to prevent truncation distortion when converting from high sample rates to lower ones by adding noise. -Noise shaping helps move the applied noise out of the audible spectrum so it’s less noticeable -Sounds pretty much like analog tape hiss, but you really hear it most when converting to 8 bits or below

20 Reconstruction Problem: Digital signal has square steps Solution:
Anti-imaging/Reconstruction Filter

21 Oversampling Problem:
Sharp anti-aliasing filter ahead of A/D conversion introduces ringing Solution: Oversample at conversion, then downsample after conversion You’re not storing the oversampled signal, you’re storing the regular one

22 Latency Time it takes to convert the signal A/D & D/A
Humans (and especially musicians) can easily perceive differences <10 ms Zero latency monitoring combines analog input with digital output

23 Best Practices Use dither when reducing bit depth SRC with care
If you hear spurious clicks, it’s probably a clocking issue Set up your own studio to make clocking and digital connectivity simple Use high bit rates & sample depths when possible, but don’t go overboard

24 Next Steps ADC manufacturers close by DSP specialists nearby
Analog Devices DSP specialists nearby Mathworks

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