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Social Justice Wednesday

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Presentation on theme: "Social Justice Wednesday"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Justice Wednesday
Lincoln 150 Years since his death Social Justice Wednesday

2 Social Justice Wednesday
Frederick Douglass Slave Abolitionist Author & Speaker Women Rights Leader Friend to Abraham Lincoln Social Justice Wednesday

3 Social Justice Wednesday
Alice Paul Stokes The Women's Suffrage Movement Social Justice Wednesday

4 Social Justice Wednesday
Mahatma Gandhi Social Justice Wednesday

5 Social Justice Wednesday
Martin Luther King JR Facts about MLK - Arrested 29 Times - Assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39 - Believed in Non-violence Social Justice Wednesday

6 Social Justice Wednesday
Time Magazine 1969 Cesar Chavez Social Justice Wednesday

7 Social Justice Wednesday
Rosa Parks Social Justice Wednesday

8 Social Justice Wednesday
Nelson Mandela Spent 27 years in Jail, before becoming the president of South Africa Social Justice Wednesday

9 Social Justice Wednesday
Malala Social Justice Wednesday

10 Aung San Suu Kyi “Aunty suu”
The Lady Social Justice Wednesday

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