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Each year, students in Grades Pre-K through 12 are recognized for bringing a theme to life through a nationally recognized program called "Reflections".

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Presentation on theme: "Each year, students in Grades Pre-K through 12 are recognized for bringing a theme to life through a nationally recognized program called "Reflections"."— Presentation transcript:

1 Each year, students in Grades Pre-K through 12 are recognized for bringing a theme to life through a nationally recognized program called "Reflections". Students will reflect on the theme "What is Your Story?"  and then create original works of art that relate to the theme, in any of the categories below:    Dance Choreography     Film Production     Literature     Music Composition     Photography     Visual Arts The theme will be “What is Your Story”. This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, November 18th. All art submissions will first be judged locally at JME and the winning art will go on to District, State and National competitions. Be sure to complete an entry form and attach it to your artwork. Please also see the attached "Rules" document for more information for entry. Submit your artwork to your teacher or to the front office by November 18th. If you have any questions at all, please contact Cynthia Huston, JME Reflections Chair at or For nearly 50 years, National PTA has served as a leader in advancing the arts in education across the country and in US schools overseas. The Reflections program continues today as our cornerstone arts program to engage nearly 300,000 students in prekindergarten through grade 12 and their families in arts education actives each year – making Reflections one of our nations oldest and largest student recognition programs in the arts.

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