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Chapter 4 The World of Words.

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1 Chapter 4 The World of Words

2 Topics The Symbolic Nature of Language
Principles of Verbal Communication Symbolic Abilities Speech Communities Social Media and Verbal Communication

3 After studying…. Recognize the ambiguity and abstractness of language in a particular interaction. Identify key principles of verbal communication. Report on your own and others’ expectations of gendered and other speech communities. Become aware of specialized language used in social media.

4 German newspapers noted that the viaduct
“floated above the clouds” with “elegance and lightneGerman newspapers noted that the viaduct “floated above the A German newspapers noted that the viaduct “floated above the clouds” with “elegance and lightness” Feminine ways because the German word for bridge, brücke, is feminine. French newspapers described the viaduct as an “immense concrete giant” French newspapers described the viaduct as an “immense concrete giant” pont, is masculine, which may explain why French newspapers extolled the bridge’s size and strength.

5 Language or verbal communication shapes how we perceive the world.
Language is also a primary means by which we present ourselves and build relationships with others.

6 The Symbolic Nature of Language
Words are symbols Symbols are arbitrary Symbols are ambiguous Symbols are abstract

7 Principles of Verbal Communication
Language and culture reflect each other The meanings of language are subjective Language use is rule-guided Communication rules Regulative rules Constitutive rules Punctuation shapes meaning The Demand-Withdrawal Pattern

8 Symbolic Abilities Language defines phenomena
Language shapes perceptions Language can totalize Language shapes and reflects relationships

9 Symbolic Abilities Language evaluates Language organizes perceptions
Language reflects and shapes perceptions Language can be loaded Language can degrade others Language organizes perceptions Language allows abstract thought Language can stereotype

10 Symbolic Abilities Language allows hypothetical thought
We can think beyond immediate, concrete situations We live in three dimensions of time We can foster personal growth

11 Symbolic Abilities Language allows self-reflection
Self-reflection allows us to monitor communication Self-reflection allows us to manage our image

12 Speech Communities A speech community exists when people share norms about how to use talk and what purposes it serves. Defined by shared understandings of how to communicate rather than countries or geographic locations

13 Gender Speech Communities
Socialization into gender speech communities Gendered communication in practice Misunderstandings between gender speech communities

14 Guidelines for Improving Verbal Communication
Engage in dual perspective Own your feelings and thoughts Rely on I language rather than you language

15 Guidelines for Improving Verbal Communication
Respect what others say about their feelings and thoughts Strive for accuracy and clarity Be aware of levels of abstraction Qualify language Static evaluations Mental indexing

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