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The Celts Valeria Tjukavkina.

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Presentation on theme: "The Celts Valeria Tjukavkina."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Celts Valeria Tjukavkina

2 Iron men Came from central Europe or futher east, around 700 BC
Melted Iron Invaded Britain in two waves The Gaels (600 BC) and the Cymri or Britons (300 BC) Built villages Lived under primitive system Women had more rights Created artwork Lived in clans Buried dead people

3 Clothing Celtic men wore: Shirts Breeches Striped or checked cloaks
fastened by a pin Celtic women wore: Garment named léine Garment named brat Woven belts Leather belts They also dyed their eye- brows and reddened their cheeks

4 Jewellery Rings Earrings Bangles Trocs Pins Broaches Parade helmets

5 Shoes

6 Roundhouses They were: Circular Made of wickerwork, wood or stone
With thickly thatched dome shaped roofs Had a single entrance Aligned around cosmological principles Porches Had no windows


8 Celtic art forms The celtic cross Knotwork design
Key and labyrinth design Portcullis design Spiral designs Zoomorphic designs Celtic tree of life

9 Sources
British history by Riina Kuuskor and Merike Saar

10 Thank you for your attention!

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