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Anchor Men’s Vission and Mission

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1 Anchor Men’s Vission and Mission
25/11/17 John Durodola National Men’s Coordinator

2 Contents Background reflections Anchor Men’s Vission Anchor Men’s Mission Supportive Scripture Mission implementation Summary

3 Background reflections
Vision for the Fellowship was birthed about 11 years ago The group started by a firm persuasion from the NEC There is no doubt that the vision has caught on and embraced by men One of the indicators of progress is our large number gathered here today – over 130 people WE ARE IMENSELY GRATEFUL TO ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS WHO HAVE COME TO THIS CONFERENCE

4 Why Men’s Group at all Two main reasons
Realisation of Man’s position in God’s creation Position of man has become challenged Society is broken, confusion is being peddled and spread instead of being corrected

5 Why Men’s Group at all Men’s leadership is no longer on a platter of gold Men’s leadership is to be achieved by true responsible living – doing the right thing and sacrificially as Christ There is eternal reward OFNC is a good platform

6 Men as leaders need mutual support and vision
Proverbs 27:17 – Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend Ecclesiastes 10:10 - If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success

7 The vision should be written and well known
Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. – (NKJ)

8 Our Vision To equip men for works of service Eph 4 : 12

9 With God's help, men should
Our Mission With God's help, men should take their leadership roles as Priest, Prophets and Kings in the home as fathers, husbands and sons and in the Church and Society at large

10 Reference Lead a life worthy of our calling
Ephesians 4 - Excellent for our vision and mission V 1 – 13, tells what we should be Lead a life worthy of our calling Always be humble, gentle, patient with people, tolerant of others, united in Spirit, peaceful Apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers Equipped for the works of service mature measuring to standard of Christ

11 Reference V 14 – 31, what we should not be
No longer like gentiles be hopelessly confused, full of darkness, have hardened hearts, full of lustfulness and impurity, no shame Stop telling lies, avoid anger, stealing, abusive, foul language, bitterness Instead we should be generous, encouraging, kind, tender hearted as God

12 Our roles Prophet – divinely visionary, discerning, guide destinies
Priest – intercession, teach, support, counsel, affirm King – guide with equity, judge, develop, nurture Husband – lead, responsible, faithful, value Father – provide, inspire, encourage, role model Son – responsible, honour, rites

13 Actioning the Mission - Modes of operation
Training and engagement Christian spiritual leadership Family responsibility Men’s health education Professional and business skills development Mentoring Family oriented activities Community building

14 Immediate tasks Sharing good practice between Branch groups
Interaction with Women’s and 18-30s group Development of electronic reference repository for men Joint mentoring scheme with the 18-30s group Intercession Development of friendships among men Improvement of Anchor Men’s Conference

15 Summary God has expectations for men
Expected to live as Priests, Prophets and Kings Husbands, Fathers and Sons Equipped by God to serve Should not live like gentiles in confusion We need to sharpen one another Out tools for living must not be blunt ARISE MIGHTY MEN OF VALOUR

16 Anchor Men’s Conference
Why this name? The women have two conferences - Women and WinBLe The 18 – 30s have CONNECT We were the last to start, so we thought we should be ANCHOR Hebrews 6:19 - Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters into that within the veil

17 Background reflections
Our two immediate past leaders were Bro Mike Ibemesi and Dr Nosa Uwubamwen – travailed and prevailed We have tried 2 – Day and 1 – Day Conference options, 1 – Day has apparently been more popular Today we have over 130 attendees There is still a need to carry on articulating the vision and mission of the Group

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