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OHV Industry Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use

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1 OHV Industry Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Trailhead Canada Conference November 22 and 23, 2017

2 COHV – Who we are National not-for-profit trade association
Established in 1984 (CATV), 2006 changed name/expanded mandate (COHV) 2012 – expanded mandate to represent ROVs

3 Members

4 Partnerships

5 Aims & Objectives Promote the safe and responsible use of off-highway vehicles Expand communication and co-operation among all levels of the OHV community. Enhance government and public affairs through co-operative efforts. To promote the responsible interests of OHV riders and the industry.

6 Strategic Priorities Rider Federation Support
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness

7 Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness

8 Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness $10.5 million in grants allocated to date used to develop and maintain riding areas, increase the number of organized riders, increase partnerships within the OHV and trails communities Access to COHV staff and materials Advocacy and media relations supporting federation work and riders in general

9 Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness Alberta – working with provincial rider federation and government to develop responsive and responsible land use plans Quebec – working with provincial rider federation to ensure riding rules are applicable on private lands and public lands

10 Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness distribution of NOHVCC Great Trails Manual education brochures on environmentally aware riding and trail building practices

11 Support of Trail Development and Responsible Trail Use
Technical Standards and Compliance Media Relations Policy and Government Relations Special Projects (NTC, Research, 150th Sustainable Trails Grant, Symposium) Rider Federation Support Statistics OHV Rider Safety and Training Environmental Awareness support Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada and All Terrain Quad Council of Canada to offer ORM, ATV and Side-by-Side rider courses – both in electronic and hands-on format learn how to ride safely and responsibly Safety Materials – for ROVs, ATVs and ORMs, for children and for adults, print and electronic format list is available on our website materials are free of charge

12 Special Projects – National Trails Coalition
partnership with Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations, Canadian Trails Federation and Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council $25 million in federal funding in (matching funds) - triggered trail investments of over $56 million 474 projects , 20,178 km of trail work, employment for 4,700 FTE’s This $25 million dollars injection triggered trail investments of over $56 million that included matching funds by volunteer organizations, along with provincial and local governments. In all, 474 projects were completed creating employment for up to 4,700 FTE’s, while building, upgrading or rehabilitating 20,178 kilometres of trail. Table: 2009 – 2010 NTC Program - Kilometres of Trail Built, Upgraded and Rehabilitated Category Built Upgraded Rehabilitated Total ATV/ORM ,412 1, ,557 Snowmobile ,062 1, ,722 Non-Motorized , ,849 2, ,015 4, ,128 A total of 766 bridges were built, upgraded or rehabilitated. Included in this number were 65 bridges that were 15 metres (50 feet) or longer (generally called “engineered” bridges). One of the bridges that was constructed had a span of 110 metres (360 feet).

13 Special Projects – National Trails Coalition
$10 million in federal funding in (matching funds) - triggered trail investments of over $33 million 260 projects, 6,864 kilometers km of trail work, employment for 2,500 FTE’s - resultant study of shared use trails - A Study of Trail Users, Inventory, Key Issues and Best Practices Table – 2016 Kilometers of Trail Built, or Upgraded/Rehabilitated by Category Type of Trail Built Upgraded Total Multi-Use , ,153.73 ATV/ORM , ,622.10 Non-Motorized ,193.32 Snowmobile , ,894.70 TOTAL: , Trail study currently being updated. Cross Canada Review of Trail Users, Inventory and Management Examples of Best Practices for Shared-Use Trails The Importance of Rails to Trails in Canad Analysis of Urban and Rural Perspectives about Shared-Use Trails The Significance of National and International Trails

14 Special Projects – Research
2016 Economic Impact of ATVs and Side-by-Sides 2015 Economic Impact of Motorcycle Riding (on- and off- road) 2010 Health and Wellbeing of Off-Highway Vehicle Riding “Off-road vehicle riding is a recreational activity associated with moderate intensity cardiovascular demands and fatigue inducing muscular strength challenges, similar to golf, rock climbing and alpine skiing.” looked at physiological (physical and mental) demands of OHV riding, compares them to other recreational activities, and then explored how much ORV riding is required for health and fitness benefits to be obtained considered oxygen consumption, heart rate, muscular force and endurance Referred to “enhanced quality of life and stress reduction effects of off-road riding.”

15 Special Projects – 150th Sustainable Trails Grants
Funding for trail work to enhance sustainable trail development and maintenance while protecting the environment $150,000 COHV investment triggered $1,23 million in projects ($1.39 million with in-kind and volunteer work) 21 projects

16 Manager of Rider Federations and Industry Partner Services
Thank You Oksana Buhel, MSc, CAE Manager of Rider Federations and Industry Partner Services

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