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Figure Legend: From: Crowding and eccentricity determine reading rate

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1 Figure Legend: From: Crowding and eccentricity determine reading rate
Journal of Vision. 2007;7(2):20. doi: /7.2.20 Figure Legend: Three ways to measure the span for reading. Displace the word. Measure reading rate (RSVP) for random four-letter words as a function of position. Substitute the letters. Measure reading rate as a function of the unsubstituted span, within which letters are presented faithfully. (The substitution regions are tinted blue in this illustration, but they were not marked in any way in the actual experiments.) Pull the curtain. Measure reading rate as a function of the position of the left (or right) edge of the (large) unsubstituted span. Date of download: 1/3/2018 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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