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What States are Doing That Meet the 1% Cap

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1 What States are Doing That Meet the 1% Cap
Martha L. Thurlow, Sheryl S. Lazarus, and Glenna Gallo

2 Topics ESSA Requirements NCEO Webinar and Brief
OESE and OSEP Memorandum Q&A Data on AA-AAAS Participation NCEO State Survey Findings (2016) State Perspective Discussion

3 ESSA Requirements First time alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) is included in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (Previously recognized via regulations) ESSA enacts some provisions in regulations (e.g., based on alternate academic achievement standards; “aligned” to grade-level content standards) ESSA changes the 1% provision! Used to be about accountability (up to 1% of total tested population could count as proficient) Now about participation (up to 1% of total tested population in a subject area can participate in the AA-AAAS)

4 NCEO Webinar and Brief In response to requests from the field, NCEO provided a webinar, Strategies for Meeting the 1% Cap on Participation in the State Alternate Assessment Webinar is available at: Brief is available at: or 2.html Purpose today is NOT to repeat the webinar/brief content, but to move beyond it – to share responses to questions that emerged during the webinar and ways states are approaching the 1% challenge!

5 OESE and OSEP Memorandum
Dated May 16, 2017; sent to state directors or assessment, Title I, and special education (available at: refer to #2) Addresses three topics: General provisions for States regarding the number of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take AA-AAAS Requirements for States that seek a waiver of the 1/0 percent cap on participation in an AA-AAAS Procedures for States that seek a waiver of the 1/0 percent cap on participation in an AA-AAAS

6 Q & A on 1% Cap Questions generated during the NCEO webinar were synthesized and summarized – producing 21 questions for a Q & A document in 8 areas: Rationale Calculation of 1% Assessment to Which 1% Requirement Applies Guidelines/Definitions Disproportionality Waiver Requests Consequences State-Provided Information to Schools and Parents 6 6

7 2014-15 Data on AA-AAAS Participation
As of , data indicated that more than half of states were over 1% participation in the alternate assessment. Graph shows the percentage of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities participating in the ELA alternate assessment (based on total student enrollment during the testing window in states with available data).

8 NCEO State Survey Findings (2016)
Concern about the 1% cap: Over 60% of responding regular states and 33% of responding unique states indicated that they were concerned about exceeding the 1% cap Strategies identified by states for ensuring that districts do not exceed the 1% cap: Professional development sessions for LEA special education administrators (92%/14%) Share data with each district on the percentage of students participating in that district (87%/29%) Revise participation guidelines for IEP teams to use (26%/71%) Provide information sessions for parents (18%/57%) 6

9 State Perspective

10 Discussion What are the most challenging aspects of the ESSA requirements for states and districts? What are the most important factors to consider in attempting to meet the 1% participation cap? What strategies seem most implementable for states and districts?

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