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Welcome to Summer Camp III

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1 Welcome to Summer Camp III
Founded in 1935 Reinvigorated in 2008 Almost disappeared in 2013 Coming back stronger than ever in 2017 Revere Schools Revere Speech and Debate July 11, 2017

2 Overview Why we offer the camp
How the camp and the program work together Takeaways from the camp Benefits of speech & debate

3 Summer camp began in 2015 Improving our speech/debate program
Offering benefits for attendees Got help from friends at Highland Schools Revere went from 10 students competing in HS speech/debate to 20 the next season

4 Some speech/debate benefits
Improved communication skills Better thinking Better grasp of a wider range of subjects Improvements in research and writing Better tests scores and grades (Melise will speak next on types of speaking activities you will see when you are in high school)

5 Coach’s “big three” Think critically Communicate effectively
Live humanely in an ever-more challenging world

6 Revere Schools Supports speech/debate through
Payment of dues to district, state, national Payment of entry fees for tournaments Payment of individual dues to organizations Providing busing to/from events Providing for me to be a coach …and much more!

7 Important partner: Revere speech & debate boosters (RSDB)
Four every four students we take to a tournament, on average, we need a judge to attend. (We will need 10 judges or more for most HS tournaments this season.) From past experience, an optimal number of students per coach is about 7:1 to 10:1. RSDB supports us in these two areas, and others

8 Our assistant coaches Ammar Abidi (not here) LD debate
David Burnett (Congress) Amelia Mainzer (IEs, especially Drama, Humor, Duo and POI)

9 Speaking of Individual Events (IEs)
Main focus for our incoming 9th graders is IEs in ’17-’18 We have had NO ENTRIES in four IE for many years (None in Drama, Duo, POI & Humor last year) We want to have AT LEAST 6-8 entries in these four events at the high school this coming season. We will add 9th graders in other IE events as well, if it’s a great fit. We also have a LOT (5+) of returning units in PF and LD debate. We can only “advance” four teams or units to the State Qualifying tournament each year.

10 The Revere Schools Program
Regular practice and improvement High School – 11 tournaments, plus qualifiers Middle School – 5 tournaments State/National tournaments as well (depending on qualifiers) “Success point” system – good speakers and debaters will earn 75 to 100 “success points” in practices and tournaments next year, and this will help them achieve academic letters.

11 So many benefits Represent Revere at competitions
Opportunity to earn academic letter Opportunity to compete for state title and at nationals last year we sent students to Georgetown, to Nat’l Caths in Louisville, KY, and to NSDA Nationals in Birmingham, Ala.

12 Connecting Follow us on Facebook @debateRevere on Twitter (state) (national) (Boosters, RSDB)

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