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Apuntes 12-13 de marzo Mandatos con nosotros (Nosotros Commands)

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Presentation on theme: "Apuntes 12-13 de marzo Mandatos con nosotros (Nosotros Commands)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Apuntes de marzo Mandatos con nosotros (Nosotros Commands)

2 To make a nosotros command, use the present subjunctive form of the verb.
Comamos. Let’s eat. No cenemos ahora. Let’s not eat dinner now.

3 When using object pronouns, place them at the end of affirmative commands.
¡Hagámoslo! Let’s do it!

4 Pronouns come in front of the verb in negative commands.
No los pongamos en la mesa. Let’s not put them on the table.

5 With reflexive verbs, the final s on the verb disappears in affirmative commands.
Sentémonos aquí. Let’s sit down here.

6 This doesn’t happen in negative commands.
No nos sentemos aquí. Let’s not sit down here.

7 IR is the only verb with an irregular affirmative command form
IR is the only verb with an irregular affirmative command form. You use the indicative form of the verb. ¡Vamos! Let’s go! ¡Vámonos! Let’s leave!

8 The negative command form is regular because it uses the subjunctive.
No nos vayamos. Let’s not leave.

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