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Influences on a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

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1 Influences on a Healthy, Active Lifestyle
There are a number of things that can influence a persons participation in physical activity. These things can determine what sport a person plays, what team they play for, where they play OR even whether they play sport at all. There are 6 different categories of influences: Cultural factors, People, Image, Resources, Socio-economic, Health & Well-being Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

2 1. Cultural Influences 1. AGE
DEFINITION: These are influences that impact on daily life and are often out of a person’s control. There are 4 different cultural factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 1. AGE The age of person may influence their chances of participating in certain activities. Young People: Might be age limits for participation or joining of some clubs. Their age could restrict the amount of competitive physical activity they are allowed to do. Schools offer regular physical activity in lessons as well as in extra curricular clubs Elderly People: May not be able to compete at their desired competitive level (due to injury or loss of fitness). Very few competitive clubs for older people. More public and private health centres now run classes for older age groups. Recent increase in the television coverage of senior sport competitions. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

3 1. Cultural Influences 2. RACE
DEFINITION: These are influences that impact on daily life and are often out of a person’s control. There are 4 different cultural factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 2. RACE Many ethnic minority groups enjoy taking part in sport but often have a reduced opportunity to participate. Ethnic minorities who live in poor areas might have no access to sporting facilities. Sporting prejudices exist that may cause individuals/groups to not take part in specific activities. People make take part in sports that are traditionally performed by members of their ethnic group. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

4 1. Cultural Influences 3. DISABILITY
DEFINITION: These are influences that impact on daily life and are often out of a person’s control. There are 4 different cultural factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 3. DISABILITY If a person has a disability it could influence their chances of participating in certain activities. The Sport for All campaign encourages people with disabilities to take part in sport. Most sport facilities have good disabled access, as lottery grants are often higher for those who ensure their facilities are available to disabled people. Dedicated facilities can be used to offer specialist disability sports. Young people with disabilities can sometimes find it difficult to participate in sports with able-bodied people. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

5 1. Cultural Influences 4. GENDER
DEFINITION: These are influences that impact on daily life and are often out of a person’s control. There are 4 different cultural factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 4. GENDER Some sports are associated with either men or women (men play football/women play netball). More elite women role models should encourage more girls to play sport. Traditionally, lots of opportunities for boys to play sport (lots of clubs, facilities and coaches). Lack of opportunities and funding for certain women sports. Pressure from peers (friends) may cause girls to not take part in PE lessons. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

6 2. People Influences 1. FAMILY KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to certain people (both famous and not famous) affecting how someone thinks about sport. There are 3 different people factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 1. FAMILY Parents, relations and brothers/sisters can influence our participation in physical activity. If family members play a certain sport you are more likely to play that sport. If family are members of a certain sports club, you are more likely to join that club. Parents often pay money for their children's sport. If family do not play/enjoy sport, it is more likely that you will not play sport. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

7 2. People Influences 2. PEERS KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to certain people (both famous and not famous) affecting how someone thinks about sport. There are 3 different people factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 2. PEERS Friends and classmates can influence our participation in physical activity. If friends take part in a sport, they could influence you to also take part. Taking a friend to play sport can make it more enjoyable. If your friends do not play/enjoy sport, it is more likely that you will not play sport. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

8 2. People Influences 3. ROLE MODELS KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to certain people (both famous and not famous) affecting how someone thinks about sport. There are 3 different people factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 3. ROLE MODELS People we look up to (famous athletes, class mates or even teachers – like Mr Yates) can make us want to take part in physical activity. Role models can make people want to start playing their sport. Role models can make people want to copy their skills. If role models make bad decisions on/off the pitch (drinking, drugs, cheating, smoking, poor sportsmanship's – not like Mr Yates) it can mean people copy these bad behaviours. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

9 3. Image Influences 1. FASHION KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to things we see. There are 2 different image factors. 1. FASHION Clothing and fashion can influence what sport we want to play. Clothes for some sports are seen as more fashionable than others – meaning we want to play those sports. Sports with ugly/weird clothing can discourage us from playing them. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 2. MEDIA COVERAGE TV, internet, newspaper and radio coverage can affect what sport we play. Sports that appear in media more can become more popular. Women's sport is not given as much media coverage as men's – means men's sport is more popular. Certain sports get very little media coverage – meaning people do not want to play them as much. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

10 4. Resources Influences KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to where someone lives and what they have access to. There are 4 different resource factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 1. LOCATION Where you live can affect what sports you are able to play. Outdoor activities (climbing, rowing) are often only available in countryside areas. People might play a certain sport because they live near a certain facility and it is easy to get to (eg swimming pool or five aside football pitches) 2. AVAILABILITY The availability of certain facilities can cause us to play certain sports. Having high quality facilities for a certain sport might make you want to play. Coaching or training sessions being regular might make you want to play. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

11 4. Resources Influences KEY:
DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to where someone lives and what they have access to. There are 4 different resource factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 3. ACCESS Having good facilities is only helpful if you can use them. Sometimes training sessions or access to best facilities are for certain people (members) only. Some facilities are for certain age groups only (university facilities) and some are far too expensive to use. 4. TIME You need spare time to use these facilities. If training sessions are only at certain times/days of the week, you might not be able to make it. Sometimes, you might be too busy with home/school to play sport. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

12 Socio-economic Influences
5. DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to a persons status or access to money. There are 2 different socio-economic factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 1. COST Playing sport can be very costly and some people cannot afford it. Someone might be really skilled at a sport but never get to do it as they cannot afford it. Some sports cost a lot of money to play (American football, golf) because of expensive equipment. 2. STATUS Some sports have a particular status and therefore are only played by ‘certain people’. Some sports (golf, polo, tennis) are associated with ‘rich people’ (Khalid Maye)and so might not be played by everyone. Other sports (football, fishing) are associated with ‘lower class’ people (Mr Drake), so might be played more because there are more possible participants. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

13 Health & Well-being Influences
6. DEFINITION: These are influences that occur due to a persons overall health. There are 2 different health and well-being factors. KEY: GREEN = Positive things that might make people play sport. RED = Negative things that might stop people playing sport. 1. ILLNESS & HEALTH PROBLEMS Long-term illnesses and health issues can affect what sport we play. People that are unwell are unlikely to take part in physical activity. Some health problems (heart/breathing issues) can prevent people from doing certain sports. 2. INJURY People with bad injuries might not be able to play certain sports Bad injuries can sometimes prevent people playing sport at all. Sometimes injuries can prevent people playing sport at a high level. Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

14 Influences on a Healthy, Active Lifestyle
There are 6 different categories of influences: Cultural factors: Age, Race, Disability, Gender People: Family, Peers, Role Models Image: Fashion, Media Coverage Resources: Location, Availability, Access, Time Socio-economic: Cost, Status Health & Well-being: Illness & Health-Problems, Injury Healthy, active lifestyles (GCSE PE: Unit 1.1.1)

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