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How did they do THAT?.

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Presentation on theme: "How did they do THAT?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did they do THAT?

2 • red screen • reversed & mixed type • breathing room

3 • striking variety–media, content, shape, size
• reversed & mixed type • dramatic horizontal screen for linkage

4 • not just a circle photo • transparent screen & type •light thick bar for linkage • circle in folio tab •info graphic at bottom

5 • repetition of circle theme element
•rail of white for breathing room • modules separated by white space

6 • dropped cap for linkage
• patterned screen • “pick-up” color

7 • COB to include another medium
• mixed type

8 • layering of type • text wrap around blurbs/pulled quotes • rounded edges on box • Doric line

9 • dominant photo • linkage • stories designed in rectangles with varying sizes of head sizes • teaser box (with COB)

10 • eye dropper for color match
•rail to separate module • three degrees of separation • photo in folio tab

11 •eyedropper • degrees of transparency • type as a graphic container

12 • degrees of transparency
•photo illustrates framing & rule of thirds

13 • dominant art •text wrap

14 • gradient type • shades of black on blocks for layering • art repeated as block under the copy for anchorage

15 • dominant photo from unusual angle
• COB • reversed type • kerning of type

16 • type set in layers • transparent copy of photo used as background •caption shaped to match curve in photo

17 • multi-modules • pencil or pen used to create curved line • reversed or layered type • folio tabs as headers (master pages)

18 • red screen extends over gutter for linkage
• COB with text wrap • tool lines to separate right poems

19 • spot color screen • info graphic •different columns in articles for variety & reader aid

20 • matched spot color •TOC News briefs Heads reflect uniform style sized by story importance

21 • odd shaped photo & screen with text wraps
• Tilted drop cap in head for similar effect to photo • Linkage

22 • Graphic symbol to be repeated in theme areas
•Inexpensive but effective cover–contemporary

23 • repeated graphic, once in black, once in white
•Extreme vertical crop adds drama • Title page contains appropriate information •Caption on facing page–added cost

24 • bracket instead of parentheses
•major story & sidebar • module with variety of shape, size, content • linkage

25 • choice of title page background color may be affected by more than photo
• words run together with shade or font change • extreme vertical cropping

26 • dropped shadow & mixed type
• rectangular shaped copy & modules in variety of column widths

27 • pencil outlines separated from COB extend across the gutter
•transparent dropped cap • pencil “scribbles” •slanted copy blocks • leading & kerning •rail & wide text wrap

28 • pencil head and graphic
• text wraps at COB photos & connecting lines • outline type

29 • photo art with text wrap
• type as graphic container •layered type

30 • type as a graphic container
• centered folio tabs with graphic

31 • info graphic without bars or lines
• layered type

32 • reversed pattern (from cloth, paper, screen saver), one transparent for repetition effect
• breathing room between columns • rotated reversed type

33 • repetition effect through functional diamond-shaped graphics
• repeated vertical line • pulled quote in reverse type

34 • collage made from the same photo • black screen background text box shape in mirror image of collage • type size and leading diminishes–probably because of line length

35 • scissors tool used to cut away some of the art used previously (repetition)
• shear tool changed piece perspective/angle •black backgrounds & white type provide linkage & unity

36 • type on a path (pencil drawn)
• Same sculpture photographed from different angles (large one transparent) •dropped shadows at smaller arts

37 • consistent format & types
•selective focus in photo rather than transparent screen • minimal use of decorative type •dominant partial COB

38 • transparent screen behind dominant head
•articles fit to rectangular boxes, different column styles, different alignments

39 • feathered transparent screen •rotated type • white type • linkage • compatible process colors–probably from the eyedropper

40 • duotones made with transparent screens
• feathering at infographic • headline with outline

41 • Cobbed dominant photo with text wrap
• copy blocks have different type styles & alignments • least compatible color photo placed farthest from dominant

42 • Dominant photo collection instead of one dominant & two modules
•type set to emphasize meaning or for reader aid (caps) • rails add breathing room to oversized elements

43 Everything you just saw is so oVer.
So–where will you look for the new hot? • scholastic press sites •CD covers, music sites, book stores • contemporary publications • latest TV program & movie graphics • latest ads, especially fashion & “high end” living

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