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The Human Default Mode Network: A revelation of modern neuroimaging

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1 The Human Default Mode Network: A revelation of modern neuroimaging
Kurt Weaver, Ph.D

2 Default Mode Network Two reliable characteristics:
shows greater BOLD activity during quiet restfulness (e.g. the resting state) than during active cognition. Internal Dialogue hypothesis: the default network forms part of the neural substrates underlying autobiographical memory and social cognition Raichle et al., A default mode of brain function. PNAS, 98 (2)

3 Default Mode Network Two reliable characteristics:
Activity is suppressed when individuals engage in goal-directed, task specific processing The default mode network is inherently anti-correlated with task positive networks Fair & Raichle, 2007 Nature Review Neuroscience

4 Default Mode Network 99% of what we have learned about the default mode network comes from neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI and PET. Alternative methodologies to study the Default Mode Network K01 award in collaboration with IBIC Electrocortigraphy (ECoG)

5 Default Mode Network Aims:
1. What is the an electrophysiological signature of default mode network activity? Miller, Weaver & Ojemann (In Press). PNAS

6 Default Mode Network Aims:
2. What is the millisecond timing of neural events through the network during internal metalizing and in relation to task positive processing? When does high frequency gamma ‘turn-on’ during a self-reflection judgment? Does the medial prefrontal cortex and precuneus have the same onset-latency? What is the temporal relationship between between the i.e. medial prefrontal and the language sensitive inferior frontal gyrus?

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