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The Bonds of Empire, 1660-1750.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bonds of Empire, 1660-1750."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bonds of Empire,

2 Royal Centralization, 1660-1688
What was The Restoration and how did it affect the British colonies?

3 Royal Centralization Royal Control of Colonies
How did New England react to royal control?

4 Glorious Revolution How did the Glorious Revolution impact England?

5 Glorious Revolution How did the Glorious Revolution impact the colonies?

6 Glorious Revolution and Colonies Leisler’s Rebellion in New York
Explain the significance of Leisler’s Rebellion

7 Glorious Revolution Conclusions
What is the significance of the Glorious Revolution for the colonies?

8 Impact of Imperial Wars
How did the imperial wars impact Anglo-Americans?

9 Colonial Economies Describe mercantilism

10 Colonial Economies Salutary Neglect: Navigation Acts
Explain specifically how the Navigation Acts regulated trade

11 Colonial Economies Navigation Acts
How did the Navigation Acts affect British colonial economy?

12 Colonial Economies Consumer Revolution
How did the consumer revolution impact middle class colonists?

13 Colonial Society Diversity within the Colonies
How and why did immigration patterns change by 1750? How did this affect the colonies?

14 Slavery How did work among slaves vary?

15 Colonial Society Stono Rebellion
What was the Stono Rebellion? Why was this significant?

16 Colonial Society Urban Slaves
How did the experience of urban slaves differ from plantation slaves?

17 Colonial Society The Rise of Colonial Elites
Who were the colonial elite? How were they to behave?

18 Competing for a Continent France and Native Americans
In what ways did the French and Native American relationship develop in colonial America?

19 Competing for a Continent Natives and British Expansion
How did the Covenant Chain impact Native relations?

20 Competing for a Continent Natives and British Expansion
How were Natives affected by the Walking Purchase? Why is this significant?

21 Competing for a Continent British Expansion in the South
How and why was Georgia (1732) established?

22 Competing for a Continent Georgia
Why was Oglethorpe opposed to slavery? How did he initially prevent Georgia from instituting slavery? Was he successful?

23 War of Jenkin’s Ear Why was the War of Jenkin’s Ear and the Battle of Louisboug significant?

24 Public Life in British America Colonial Politics
In what ways did English political changes impact the development of colonial government?

25 Public Life in British America Colonial Politics
What power did governors maintain? How did assembly restrict governor?

26 Public Life in British America Politics in Northern Seaports
Explain the significance of Peter Zenger’s acquittal

27 Public Life in British America Enlightenment
What were the literacy rates in British colonies?

28 Public Life in British America Enlightenment
In what ways did Benjamin Franklin embody the Enlightenment spirit?

29 Public Life in British America The Great Awakening
Identify the Great Awakening? How did the revivalists compare to Enlightenment thinkers?

30 Public Life in British America The Great Awakening
How did the Old Lights react to the revivals?

31 Public Life in British America Long Term Effects of The Great Awakening
What were the long-term effects of the Great Awakening? Marked decline of Quaker, Anglican, and Congregationalist influence Stimulated founding of colleges New Lights founded Princeton Anglicans founded Kings College Baptists founded Brown Dutch Reformed founded Rutgers Congregationalists founded Dartmouth

32 Public Life in British America Long Term Effects of The Great Awakening
What was the long term significance of the Great Awakening?

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