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Describing Matter.

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1 Describing Matter

2 Matter can be described by using either physical or chemical properties.
We can make observations that physically describe matter two different ways:

3 1 – Qualitative observations: these types of observations are subjective. They describe the “quality” of a substance by using describing words and no numbers or measurements.

4 2 – Quantitative observations: these types of observations are objective. They involve describing the “quantity” of a substance. They are things that can be measured.

5 Physical Qualitative Properties
Physical State: solid, liquid, gas. Colour: green, red, blue, brown etc. Odour: odourless, flowery, spicey, nauseating, etc. Clarity: clear, cloudy, opaque, etc. Luster: shiney, dull.

6 6. Brittleness: can it break apart or shatter easily
6. Brittleness: can it break apart or shatter easily? Brittle or flexible. Texture: fine, coarse, smooth, waxy, etc. Mallebility: can it be bent or folded into different shapes? Malleable or non malleable. Ductility: can it be stretched out into a long wire? Ductile or non-ductile. Hardness: can a solid be scratched or dented?

7 Physical Quantitative Properties
Viscosity: can the substance flow? Viscous or non viscous. Density: What is the substance’s density? Can it float? Solubility: Can the substance dissolve in a particular solvent? How much is needed before it will no longer dissolve?

8 Boiling Point: at what temperature will a substance boil?
Melting Point: at what temperature will a substance turn to liquid? Electrical Conductivity: will the substance conduct electricity?

9 Questions What property of matter best describes each of the following statements? Copper metal can be bent into different shapes A steal blade can scratch glass Alcohol boils at 60 degrees Celcius A flashlight can be shone through milk. A nickel coin is shiny. Aluminium is lighter than gold.

10 Physical Observations
2. Make a chart listing physical properties that you can observe qualitatively and quantitatively by using your senses or doing some simple tests. Physical Observations Using senses Doing Tests ?

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