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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (Part- II)"— Presentation transcript:

By Khizar Nabeel Ali

2 Contents Earth Summit & Earth Summit Rio + 10
Environmental MDG’s & SDG’s Kyoto Protocol & UNFCCC Environmental health Pakistan WHO-2013 Report Pakistan Regional Plan –WHO Ministry of Environment & Ministry of Climate Change Policies & Plans of MOCC Achievements of MOCC PCCA -2016

3 Earth Summit (Rio Declaration 1992)
It defines the rights and responsibilities of the people to be involved in protecting their environment People are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature Environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process

4 Earth Summit Rio+10 Second earth summit took place in 2002 (Johannesburg) New agreements were developed among signatory countries to achieve “Millennium Development Goals” Problems of landslide, draining of lakes, poverty were discussed



7 Kyoto Protocol & UNFCCC
In order to achieve stabilization of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the climate system, 154 countries, including Pakistan signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Kyoto Protocol to UNFCCC was adopted at the 3rd Meeting of the Parties held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997

8 1“Measurement of NO2 concentration in different cities of Pakistan using Diffusion samplers (Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore and Quetta), April 2006, Pak-EPA/JICA

9 Environmental Health-Pakistan
Pollution Population Explosion Climate change & Global warming Natural disasters Deforestation .....

10 Ecological Drift in Pakistan
The growth in traffic and dirty fuel has adverse effect on health In Pakistan Sulphur in diesel and furnace oil is 1& 3 percent higher respectively as compared to and percent in other countries In Pakistan lead in gasoline is 0.35gm/lit while in other countries in the region it is 0.15gm/lit

11 Ecological Drift in Pakistan
Blood lead levels for children in Karachi, Islamabad and Peshawar are 36.9, 22.3 and 19 micro gm/dl while the acceptable value is 15 micro gm/dl High lead levels may lead to stunted growth and mental retardation Suspended particular matter level is also high in Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala , Faisalabad and Peshawar.


13 WHO-2013

14 Pakistan Regional Plan-WHO
Pakistan is in Group 1, along with Afghanistan, occupied Palestinian territory, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen Group 1 countries are the least developed in terms of the water supply and sanitation, and need major efforts to improve the sanitation

15 Pakistan Regional Plan-WHO
Group 1 countries have identified five priorities for protecting the environment: Drinking water quality (including increased access to water and sanitation) Solid waste (including hazardous wastes, such as health care waste)

16 Pakistan Regional Plan
Domestic combustion of biomass (indoor air pollution) Food safety Vector control

17 Pakistan has the Ministry of Environment and Environmental Protection Act,(PEPA) 1997 after 18th amendment the Ministry transformed and now known as Ministry of Climate Change Ministry of Climate Change was established on 18th April 2012.

18 Sections of MOCC Administration Wing Development Wing Environment Wing
Forestry Wing International Cooperation Wing (IC Wing)

19 Ministry of Climate Change has following attached department:
i. National Disaster Management Authority ii. Pak EPA (Pakistan Environment Protection Agency) iii. Zoological Survey Department (ZSD) iv. Global Change Impact Study Center (GCISC)

20 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is the lead agency at the Federal level to deal with the whole spectrum of Disaster Management activities. In the event of a disaster, all stakeholders including Government Ministries/Departments/Organizations, Armed Forces, INGOs, NGOs, UN Agencies work through and form part of the NDMA to conduct one window operations.

21 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) has been established under section (5) of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act,(PEPA) Basic functions of Pak-EPA are to enforce the PEPA-1997 at rules & regulations

22 Other Functions of Pak-EPA
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Initial environmental examination (IEE) Central laboratory of environmental analysis & networking ( CLEAN) Self Monitoring And Repotting Programme {SMART}/ Green Industry Programme Green Library & Documentation center Implement in Collaboration of Provisional and City District Governments

23 Zoological Survey Department of Pakistan is a department under the Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan which carries out survey and research on distribution, population, and status of animal life in Pakistan.

24 Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC) is the research arm of the Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan. The Centre is dedicated to national level R&D effort, capacity building, policy analysis, information dissemination and assistance to national planners and policymakers on issues related to past and projected future climatic changes in Pakistan.

25 Policies and Plans of MOCC
Pakistan Climate Change Authority (Draft Act)June, 2016 Draft National Forest Policy 2016 Framework for Implementation of Climate Change Policy ( ) ,November, 2013 National Climate Change Policy 2012 National Sanitation Policy, 2012 National Rangeland Policy, 2010 Drinking Water Policy 2009 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) National Operational Strategy 2006

26 Achievements of MOCC National Report of Pakistan for HABITAT-III
National Climate Change Policy Implementation Committee (NCCPIC) National Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Committee - June 2015 Hosting of Second Pakistan Conference on Sanitation (PACOSAN-II) & Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) ,February, 2015

27 Pakistan Climate Change Authority , 2016.
Main Function is to coordinate, supervise and guide mainstreaming of climate change concerns into decision-making by Federal and Provincial Government ministries, departments and agencies so as to create enabling conditions for integrated climate-compatible and climate- resilient development processes in various sectors of the economy

28 PCCA Continue... Formulate, comprehensive adaptation and mitigation policies, plans, programmes, projects and measures designed to address the effects of climate change and meet Pakistan’s obligations under international conventions and agreements relating to climate change and within the framework of a national climate change policy as may be approved by the Federal Government from time to time

29 Identify any one Environmental Health issue in Pakistan from WHO regional plan and write a comprehensive note by taking data from WHO and world bank.



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