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The Warm-Up… Throughout this unit, we’ve been talking about the concept of the American Dream. As a warm-up for today’s lesson, please take a couple.

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Presentation on theme: "The Warm-Up… Throughout this unit, we’ve been talking about the concept of the American Dream. As a warm-up for today’s lesson, please take a couple."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Warm-Up… Throughout this unit, we’ve been talking about the concept of the American Dream. As a warm-up for today’s lesson, please take a couple of minutes to discuss the following with your group: In what ways does Eminem’s life exemplify the modern American Dream? Please be prepared to share your group’s discussion with the class.

2 Reminders… You had a “money monologue” due today. Please submit it to the appropriate inbox before leaving class. Tomorrow, please report to class promptly. After taking attendance, we will be going to room B215 for an important visit with the counselors. Friday, you will have a quiz over words 1-10 in vocabulary unit two. Be sure you are studying these words this week. Friday, you will also have a quiz over the parts of speech. Please study and be prepared for this assessment.

3 Embedding Textual Evidence…
A Review Using Eminem’s “The Way I Am”

4 Find the Textual Evidence Today; embed it tomorrow
The Objectives… To analyze how the style, prose, and diction of a text advance the author’s purpose and perspective or stance. To understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry (song lyrics) and provide evidence from the text to support your understanding. To communicate the significant points of a poem to classmates. Find the Textual Evidence Today; embed it tomorrow

5 The Context… Ranked as the 35th best song of the Decade by Complex magazine, “The Way I Am” is the second single from Eminem’s Marshall Mathers LP. In the tradition of most of Eminem’s follow-up singles, “The Way I Am” features a much darker and more emotionally driven sound than the album’s lead single, “The Real Slim Shady.” However, “The Way I Am” was actually recorded before “The Real Slim Shady,” as a direct result of the record company pressuring Eminem to create a poppy first single for the album.

6 The Task… Carefully read the excerpt from “The Way I Am.” Then write a paragraph in which you analyze the methods that Eminem uses to convey his sentiments about his notoriety to his audience.

7 The First Read… As you listen, follow along on your paper. Use metacognitive markers to complete the following: ??? Put a question mark next to parts of the text about which you have questions. !!! Put an exclamation point next to parts of the text to which you have a strong reaction. *** Put an *asterisk* next to parts of the text about which you have a comment. __ Underline key ideas.

8 The Close Read… Each group will closely read and analyze a different section of the text. As you conduct your close reading, please mark your text by: Highlighting important details Underlining main ideas and paraphrasing them in your page margins Circling AND labeling literary and rhetorical devices and describing their purpose and effect in the page margins. Please be prepared to share your annotations with the class, and remember our purpose is to analyze the methods that Eminem uses to convey his sentiments about his notoriety to his audience.

9 The Exit Ticket… Please work quietly and independently to complete the following as you exit ticket for the day: On a post-it note, write down ONE method Eminem uses to convey his sentiments about his notoriety to his audience. When the bell rings, please place your post-it note on the black tray by the door.

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