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Partners and inhouse editors / Sofia Salmi

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Presentation on theme: "Partners and inhouse editors / Sofia Salmi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partners and inhouse editors / Sofia Salmi 110929 training Partners and inhouse editors / Sofia Salmi

2 OFFICIAL MINI Int Cz En (UK) Fr (by the end of 2011) Fi Se
De Pl Sk Ru MINI Cz Fr (by the end of 2011) Presentation/Author

3 Official site tasks Page updates News updates (Perfect solutions)
Category & other launch items New responsibility case cards Others Final excel collection of translations send to SSI News updates Common central news published for all Final doc file uploaded into Material bank / Press (Perfect solutions) Lets see to this when at hand Presentation/Author

4 Minisite tasks News updates Content entry when building new minisites
Common central news published for all Final doc file uploaded into Material bank / Press Content entry when building new minisites Process still undefined, (Page updates) Not likely, as the minisite concept is to keep it light and minimize the other updates than news Presentation/Author

5 Editing Text (O&M) Images (O&M) Documents (O&M) Videos (O& M)
Higlights, banners - web part (O) Highlight, content (O) Listings - web part (O) Navigation ref to case cards, video pages (O) O = Official site M = Minisite Presentation/Author

6 Text, images, documents Presentation/Author

7 Videos + Navigation Presentation/Author

8 Higlights, banners Presentation/Author

9 Highlight, content (responsibility case card) + Navigation

10 Highlight, content (events)

11 Listings Presentation/Author

12 Ongoings News regular roll out plan 2011 (below) – 2 news pieces per month Planning of the 2012 news to be started (Anna) Central Regional Costs ref to Lingoneer work (tranlations & editing) handled by Sofia & Lingoneer ladies 2012 plan to be informed by Anna in the beginning of Dec 2011 2011 PLAN production October TBWA / internal November December KATRIN.COM NEWS W 40 WR launch / hygiene approach, main piece + campaign site 19.8. images & text: existng wr materials W44 School book + GHWD 16.9. images & text: existng wr materials W 49 Product news: Completion of Ease family (ht) images & text: existng wr materials & rep Global Hand Washing Day (GHWD ) W 46 WR launch / hygiene approach, campaign site specialities (calculators etc) Copernicus project & new AFH converting line + Christmas greetings images & text: existng wr materials + material from MT communications KATRIN.COM PAGE UPDATES School page with PDF materials Responsibility / case cards Presentation/Author

13 Active process
Central news/other content produced, translated and published centrally for official and minisites - regional approvals necessary! Alternative processes 1. 2. 3. Alternative invoving Anna as editor shall be established & informed soon Sofia original EN piece, web brief, schedule > Lingoneer Lingoneer pretranlations > regional approvals RMM final regional translations > Lingoneer Lingoneer web content entry & synchronous publishing Sofia > Anna original EN piece, schedule > Lingoneer Lingoneer pretranlations > regional approvals RMM final regional translations > Lingoneer Lingoneer collection of final translations > Anna Anna content entry & synchronous publishing Presentation/Author

14 Notes on process Pretranslations to be sent out all together with EN originals in one mail to all RM people Contact list, info & backup persons in following slides Example of message in MB/Projects/Web/Lingoneer Collect materials & infos, so not more than one mail per week for regions – control of translation trafic, avoid confusion and full mailboxes Give deadline (min 1 week to work with) for final translation and remind the necessary people where necessary (reserve puffer of 2 days) Inform all when something published Contact list in following slide After publishing NEWS > Word files of final news uploaded to Material bank / Press / correct language file OTHER > Excel collection of final translations to Sofia All manuals available in Matrial bank: Projects / Web / Lingoneer Presentation/Author

15 Katrin contact lits APPROVAL MAIL Ollier Veronique; Vesterlund Malin; Grzebalska Monika; Chernina Elena; Oravcova Katarina Ing.; Ristimaki Juho; Majnaric Claudia CC: Salmi Sofia; Anna Stepanova PUBLISHING MAIL Mesner Anja; Ollier Veronique; Vesterlund Malin; Grzebalska Monika; Chernina Elena; Oravcova Katarina Ing.; Ristimaki Juho; Haapkyla Jussi; Majnaric Claudia CC: Salmi Sofia, Kuoppala Sanna, Ledosquet Frank, Hofwalter Kai; Anna Stepanova Cover note examples in Material bank / Projects / Web / Lingoneer Presentation/Author

16 Regional contact persons for approvals
WEBSITE REGION RESPONSIBLE CONTACT INFO INT CENTRAL Sofia Salmi, MM Anna Stepanova, Trainee Metsä Tissue Oyj Anna / EN, FR WEST EUROPE (WE) Veronique Ollier, TMM (Anja Mesner, RMM) Metsä Tissue Limited +44 (0) Anja / FI NORTH EAST EUROPE (NEE) Juho Ristimäki, RTM (Jussi Haapkylä, RMM) Metsä Tissue Oyj Jussi / DE Claudia Majnaric, RMA Metsä Tissue GmbH SK, CZ CENTRAL EAST EUROPE (CEE) Katarina Oravcova, RMA Metsä Tissue a.s PL Monika Grzebalska, RMM (Katarina Oravcova, RMA) Metsa Tissue Poland Sp. z o.o. /418 Katarina SE SCANDINAVIA Malin Vesterlund, RMA Metsä Tissue AB RU Elena Chernina, RMM Metsä Tissue LLC Presentation/Author Office info:

17 MOSS & WordPress training
Official site Platform & cm system MOSS (Platform product data base Commerce Server) Vendor Tieto Minisite Platform & cm system WordPress Vendor Barabra Separate editing systems !!! Presentation/Author

18 Thank you! Katrin. At Hand. Presentation/Author

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