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Presentation on theme: "Benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits

2 About the Campaign The RHS Campaign for School Gardening encourages and supports schools to develop and actively use a school garden. Launched September 2007 Over 30,000 Registered Schools! School Gardening Awards with gardening goodies REGISTRATION IS FREE!

3 Starter Pack Upon registration each school will receive a free starter pack worth £20 to get them going. Packs contain: Seeds Plant labels & pencil pH soil testing kit Bottle top waterers A series of educational posters Training courses brochure

4 School Gardening Training Programme
Over 100 CPD courses across the regions for teachers and TAs giving them the skills and confidence they need to run classes or gardening clubs in their school. 1,000 + Teachers trained per year

5 School Gardening Website
Advice Free seeds & offers Useful websites Competitions What to do when Fundraising ideas Risk assessments Lesson plans & resources

6 School Gardening Awards
Why take part? Step-by-step guide to develop your garden Encourages goals to be set & achieved Helps make gardening a regular part of school life Progress rewarded with gardening goodies Each award supports you in growing plants and developing gardening activities.

7 RHS School Gardeners of the Year
RHS Young School Gardener of the Year: A prestigious award presented to a young person, aged 5-16, who demonstrates exceptional gardening knowledge and skill, as well as a passion for the environment and community. RHS School Gardening Champion of the Year: Awarded to an inspirational teacher or school assistant who has a passion for gardening RHS School Gardening Team of the Year: Awarded to an entire gardening club or class who display excellent teamwork Heather Birkby RHS Young School Gardener of the Year 2015 Peter Edwards RHS School Gardening Champion of the Year 2015 Palmerston School RHS School Gardening Team of the Year 2015

8 Contact us Campaign Website:
Facebook: Twitter: Campaign School Garden Training

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