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Reflections on a Mentoring Project for staff on a PGDipE(HE)

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1 Reflections on a Mentoring Project for staff on a PGDipE(HE)
Moyra Keane & Laura Dison University of the Witwatersrand Not an empirical nor theoretical paper, rather we hope to provide suggestions drawn from implementing a mentoring programme for staff which may be useful for others.

2 On top of all the other stress: a PGDip???

3 This presentation Part 1:
Purpose of the PGDipE(HE) at Wits; Context Mentoring programme: ethics of care Mentoring & coaching Purpose of the mentoring for students (Staff) Who are the mentors? Purpose of the mentoring course for mentors (Other staff) While there is more pressure; T&L is still low status; economical

4 PGDipE(HE) Purpose To stimulate participants’ personal interest and professional development in learning and teaching, and thereby enhance the quality and effectiveness of teaching (and indirectly student learning) at Wits. Invite lecturers to reflect on the nature of their own and others’ learning and teaching in their discipline; and to expand their repertoire of teaching strategies so that their students learn better and faster, and with greater enjoyment and success. Wits just 2 years

5 Outcomes of PGDipE(HE)*
Analyse their pedagogical strategies in relation to course theories and conceptual categories including equity, transformation, and epistemological access. Demonstrate an ability to apply course concepts and theories to the specifics of their situation. 2. Reflect critically on their practice at both undergraduate & postgraduate level, underpinned by appropriate reference to research. Produce a critical examination of their conceptions of teaching and workplace practice by integrating and synthesizing relevant readings/ texts. 3. Extend and enhance their professional development by identifying relevant theories of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment in Higher Education. Produce scholarly, research-based papers that contribute to building the field of higher education. Add insights from own field. David Root quote 4. Engage constructively with colleagues and mentors within practical and research contexts. Work collaboratively on group tasks and participate in relevant communities of practice.

6 Postgraduate supervision
PGDipE(HE) Mentoring Prgramme L&T Course Mentoring course Assessment Course Curriculum Course Postgraduate supervision New Directions

7 Mentoring & Coaching The main focus of mentoring and coaching is to help students author the story of their lives – and find themselves in the plot.... (Backhouse, 2011) Our assumptions of the disposition of mentees: a will to learn; a will to engage; a preparedness to listen; a preparedness to explore; a determination to keep going forward. (Barnett 2009: 433) Ronald Barnett (2009) Knowing and becoming in the HE curriculum. Studies in HE 34 (4),

8 Principles for both mentoring & coaching
Encouraging reflection on/in practice Negotiating the tension between generic and discipline specific theories and applications Modelling approaches Facilitating a scholarly approach Supporting innovation and creativity

9 Purpose of mentoring for students
The mentoring aspect of the programme is intended to support students in a number of ways: fostering a culture of collegiality & connection improving depth of engagement & completion of course providing for a more meaningful & relevant application of learning in disciplines supporting research into T&L in a discipline Holistic support

10 Who are the mentors? * Interest in the PGDipHE/ Teaching & Learning education qualification substantial experience & achievement in teaching published in some aspect of education coaching training taught on Master or Hons course in education intending to teach on the new PGDipHE experience of Wits; experience of teaching & learning committees and/or teaching & learning portfolios e-Learning expertise Reflexive competence: epistemic knowledge LD History of AD at wits. Questionnaire quotes. ‘Human side’

11 Part 2: Mentoring course
CoP – negotiated programme Structure Support; strategies & skills Shared reflection Research Our reflections

12 The purposes of the Mentoring Course for mentors:
Networking support: fostering a culture of collegiality & connection Structure Strategies and skills for coaching / mentoring Shared reflections; Cafes Research To provide a coherent structure for mentoring on the PGDipE(HE); to offer coaching and mentoring principles & skills for mentors; to expand a Community of Practice among Wits mentors and provide a network that could strengthen T & L.

13 Strategies & Skills CoP Networking Support for mentors Structure
for coaching & mentoring CoP Networking Support for mentors Structure Research To keep the programme on track Shared reflection What do PGDipE(HE) students need? What can we learn about mentoring?

14 Course for mentors Structure:
Information sheets; presentation about the mentoring programme; what is mentoring & coaching Matching: Questionnaires* MOU: (negotiated ground rules/ agreements/ confidentiality) Log; reporting; checking in Support & skills development: workshops; appreciation; ‘energy management’; $ Shared reflection: Cafes; evaluations* Research: CoP; mentoring (Acknowledgement of TDG Cape ) Read examples of questionnaires;

15 What else / Implications
Who the mentors are is critical Model an ethic of care: humanising T&L Flexibility in mentoring model: coaching; formal mentoring; specialised; pair; absent; none! Collaborative research (New Directions) Read Quotes LD & MK

16 Funding? Time? Relationships?

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