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First Analysis : 68 Scouts from Desikan-Killiany

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1 First Analysis : 68 Scouts from Desikan-Killiany
Task: visual semantic categorization 4 experimental conditions : IrregLF, RegLF, RegHF, Corps Epoching period:0-800 ms Sample Frequency: 120 Hz Sample Time: 8.33 ms Catsem Report

2 + ‘False Discovery Rate’ correction
One-Way Anova (permutation) with repeated mesures [4 conditions x 96 timepoints x 10 subjects] + ‘False Discovery Rate’ correction + presence of 4 consecutive significant pValues during epoch (0-800 ms) Significant pValue belonging to a group of more than 3 elements Significant pValue belonging to a group of less than 3 elements Figure 1. Raster diagram illustrating significant differences (<0.05) between ERFs of 4 conditions (IrregLF, RegLF, RegHF, Corps) from a visual semantic task according to a non parametric Anova (permutation test) with a correction for multiple comparison (FDR correction on pValues). Blue rectangles indicate regions of interest(ROI)/time points (Time point: 8.33 ms) in which the ERFs comparison are significant. White rectangles indicate ROI/time points at which no significant differences were found. Time points are indicated along the x-axis from 0 to 800 ms. Only ROI for which pValues corrected are significant during more than 30 ms are retained (4 blue rectangles consecutives). Catsem Report

3 T-test (permutation) [2 conditions x 96 timepoints x 10 subjects]
Raster A: without ‘False Discovery Rate’ correction Raster B: with ‘False Discovery Rate’ correction Significant pValue for Regularity factor Significant pValue for Frequency factor Significant pValue for Semantic factor Figure 3.Raster diagrams illustrating significant differences (<0.05) between ERFs according to a t-test (permutation test) .Yellow rectangle indicate regions of interest(ROI)/time points in which the ERFs comparison for regularity (IrregLF vs. RegLF) factor are significant. Green rectangle are relative to frequency (RegLF vs. RegHF) factor and pink ones for semantic factor (Corps vs RegLF). Raster A represents pValues without a FDR, Raster B with FDR correction. Catsem Report

4 Freq Sem Reg Freq Sem Sem Reg ms 10-13 T Sem Figure 4. Focus on significant pValues (without FDR correction but at least 30 ms of significance) for a period of ms. Regularity effect on ROI time course is revealed between ms (effect localized in left parahippocampal gyrus and left inferior temporal lobe). Frequency effect is revealed at between ms in left middle and inferior temporal lobes. Semantic effect is revealed later between 300 and 480 ms. More robust effects are regularity effect on left parahippocampal gyrus and semantic effect on middle temporal lobe (see raster diagram on t-test wih FDR correction) Catsem Report

5 Do the effects (Reg, Freq, Sem) observed on left temporal regions
Depend on the anterio-posterior criteria ? Dissociation between left anterior and posterior middle and inferior temporal regions. Same analysis… Task: visual semantic categorization 4 experimental conditions : IrregLF, RegLF, RegHF, Corps Epoching period:0-800 ms Sample Frequency: 120 Hz Sample Time: 8.33 ms Catsem Report

6 Significant pValue for Regularity factor
Significant pValue for Frequency factor Significant pValue for Semantic factor Figure 5. First array. Raster diagram illustrating significant differences between ERFs of 4 conditions (IrregLF, RegLF, RegHF, Corps) from a visual semantic task according to a non parametric Anova (permutation test) with a correction for multiple comparison (FDR correction on pValues). Blue rectangles indicate regions of interest(ROI)/time points in which the ERFs comparison are significant. White rectangles indicate ROI/time points at which no significant differences were found. Time points are indicated along the x-axis from 0 to 800 ms. Second array Raster diagram illustrating significant differences between ERFs according to a t-test (permutation test + FDR correction) .Yellow rectangle indicate regions of interest(ROI)/time points in which the ERFs comparison for Regularity factor are significant. Green rectangle are relative to frequency factor and pink ones for semantic factor. Figure 6. The same as previous analysis with no FDR correction Catsem Report

7 With the dissociation of anterior et posterior temporal regions :
Sem Freq Sem Sem Sem ms 10-13 T Figure 7. Focus on significant pValues (without FDR correction but at least 30 ms of significance) for a period of ms. Regularity effect is not revealed on dissociation of left inferior temporal lobe. Frequency effect is found yet around 320 ms in left middle temporal lobe but only in a posterior part. Semantic effect is revealed later between 300 and 480 ms in all 4 regions. More robust effects are semantic effect on left posterior regions of temporal lobe (see raster diagram on t-test wih FDR correction) With the dissociation of anterior et posterior temporal regions : Regularity effect is not revealed as previously in left infero-temporal region ; Frequency effect is revealed only in posterior middle temporal region Semantic effect is yet observed in all temporal regions studied Catsem Report

8 ~250 ms ~ 320 ms ~ 400 ms Time Catsem Report
Reg Sem Reg Freq Sem Freq Sem Sem ~250 ms ~ 320 ms ~ 400 ms Time Figure 8. Summary of Catsem MEG scout analysis Catsem Report

9 Task: visual semantic categorization
Second Analysis : sEEG study - Analogous analysis on trials for each patient to examine whether the same (Reg, Freg, Sem effects) patterns are observed in left temporal or frontal regions (cortical or deep regions) Task: visual semantic categorization 4 experimental conditions : IrregLF, RegLF, RegHF, Corps Epoching period:0-800 ms Sample Frequency: 120 Hz Sample Time: 8.33 ms Not enough trials for P06, P07 and P08. Channels of P10 are in right hemisphere Catsem Report

10 P03 – channel localization
Bp !!! OFp TBp Ap !!! Cp Ap = Amyg Com/T2 Ant Bp = Hippo Corp/T2 Ant Catsem Report

11 P03-Bp Raster diagram of left hippocampal channels for patient P03 Bp !! Hippo Corp T2 ant Catsem Report

12 P03-Bp Time series of left hippocampal channels for patient P03 Bp !! Hippo Corp TBp4 Reg Freq Sem Sem Sem TBp5 Reg Freq Sem Sem Sem TBp6 Reg Sem Sem Sem TBp7 Reg Freq Sem Sem TBp8 Reg Freq Sem TBp9 Freq Sem T2 ant Catsem Report

13 Ap Amyg P03- Ap Raster diagram of left amygdala channels for patient P03 T2 ant Catsem Report

14 Ap Amyg P03- Ap Time series of left amygdala channels for patient P03 Cp1 Cp2 Cp4 Cp3 Cp5 Freq Cp6 Cp7 Cp8 Reg Sem T2 ant Catsem Report

15 OFp P03-OFp Raster diagram of left frontal channels for patient P03 Insula Ant Catsem Report

16 P03- OFp OFp Time series of left frontal channels for patient P03 OFp2 Freq OFp3 Reg Freq OFp4 Reg Freq OFp5 Reg Freq OFp6 Reg Freq Sem Reg OFp7 Sem Insula Ant Catsem Report

17 P01 – channel localization
B A Catsem Report

18 Baseline Problem Ap P01- Ap Channels
Raster diagram of left amygdala channels for patient P01 Time series of left amygdala channels for patient P01 Baseline Problem

19 Bp Bp Hippo Corp T2 Ant T2 ant
Raster diagram of left hippocampal channels for patient P01 Bp Hippo Corp T2 Ant T2 ant

20 Bp Time series of left hippocampal channels for patient P01 Bp Hippo Corp Bp3 Reg Freq Sem Sem Sem Bp4 Reg Sem Sem Sem T2 Ant Catsem Report

21 Baseline Problem Cp Cp Hippo Caud T2 Post
Raster diagram of left hippo Caud channels for patient P01 Cp Hippo Caud Baseline Problem T2 Post Catsem Report

22 Baseline Problem Cp Cp Hippo Caud T2 Post
Times series of left hippo Caud channels for patient P01 Cp Hippo Caud Baseline Problem Cp12 Freq Freq Cp13 Freq Cp14 Freq Cp15 T2 Post Catsem Report

23 Baseline Problem TBAp P01- TBAp Channels Baseline problem
Catsem Report

24 TBPp P01- TBPp Channels Catsem Report

25 Baseline Problem TBPp P01- TBPp Channels Catsem Report TBPp1 TBPp2
Reg TBPp2 Reg TBPp3 Reg TBPp4 Reg TBPp8 Freq TBPp9 Freq TBPp10 Freq Catsem Report Freq

26 P04 R = Sous-Rostral H = Parahippocampal OR = Orbito_frontal
GPH = Parahippocampal Post T = T1 ant

27 ORp Raster diagram of left orbito-frontal channels for patient P04 OR

28 Baseline Problem ORp OR
Time series of left orbito-frontal channels for patient P04 OR ORp4 Freq Sem ORp6 Freq Sem Baseline Problem ORp7 Reg Freq Sem ORp8 Reg Freq ORp9 Reg Freq ORp10 Reg Freq ORp11 Reg Catsem Report

29 Rp Rp Raster diagram of left rostral channels for patient P04
Catsem Report

30 P04-Rp Rp Time series of left rostral channels for patient P04
Freq Sem Rp2 Reg Freq Sem Rp4 Reg Freq Sem Rp5 Reg Freq Sem Rp7 Reg Sem Rp8 Reg Sem Catsem Report

31 P09

32 TBAp P09- TBp Channels

33 Baseline Problem TBAp TBp1
Time series of left temporal basal for patient P09 Baseline Problem TBp1 TBp1 Reg Sem TBp3 Reg Sem TBp6 Reg Sem TBp8 Reg Sem TBp10 Reg Sem TBp12 Reg Freq Sem TBp14 Reg Freq Sem Catsem Report

34 Lp P09- Lp Channels

35 Lesion site! Lp P09- Lp Channels Lp5 Lp6 Lp7 Lp8 Lp9 Lp10 Sem Sem Freq
Reg Freq Sem Lp9 Reg Freq Sem Lp10 Reg Freq Sem

36 MEG sEEG P03_Bp4-4 P01_Bp3-4 P03_Ap2-8 P04_Rp2-8 P03_OFp3-7
Reg Reg sEEG P03_Bp4-4 Reg P01_Bp3-4 Reg P03_Ap2-8 Reg P04_Rp2-8 Reg P03_OFp3-7 Reg Catsem Report

37 MEG sEEG sEEG P03_Bp4-5 P03_Bp7-9 P03_Ap2-7 P01_Bp3 P04_Rp1-5
Freq Freq sEEG sEEG P03_Bp4-5 Freq P03_Bp7-9 Freq P03_Ap2-7 Freq P01_Bp3 Freq P04_Rp1-5 Freq P03_OFp2-6 Freq Catsem Report

38 MEG sEEG P03_Bp4-8 P03_Ap1-3 P01_Bp3-4 P04_Rp1-8 P03_OFp6-7
Sem Sem Sem Sem sEEG P03_Bp4-8 Sem P03_Ap1-3 Sem P01_Bp3-4 Sem P04_Rp1-8 Sem P03_OFp6-7 Sem Catsem Report

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