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Chapter 17 – Mental Disorders

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1 Chapter 17 – Mental Disorders

2 Define “crazy”… Misconceptions corrected: *
Only a few people with mental disorders are dangerous to others. Statistically, mental patients are less violent than those making up the “normal” general public Most emotionally disturbed people just exaggerate certain behaviors that are shown by all of us from time to time

3 Defining Abnormal Behavior
1. 2. 3. The person may suffer from discomfort more or less continually (anxiety, worry, depression) May behave in a bizarre fashion May e very inefficient

4 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV
DSM IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Classifies the symptoms of mental disorders into formal categories (7).

5 A. Disorders of Childhood
1. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD or ADD Symptoms/treatment: Trouble focusing Easily distratcted or frustrated Constantly moving/restless 80% males; 3-5 % of population Avg. age at referral 8-10 No known cause (possible prefrontal brain malfunction) Treatment: Ritalin (drug therapy) – a stimulant ½ of cases more into adolescence and 1/3 into adulthood

6 A. Disorders of Childhood cont’d
2. Autistic Disorder Symptoms/ treatment: Failure to develop normal patterns of communicating, social interactions, emotional responses Present from birth? Genetic predisposition with environmental trigger? Inherited? Infants are difficult to feed, no social smiling, do not respond well to touch/cuddling Tantrums Spinning/rocking Little sensitivity to pain: bang heads, bite themselves Rarely maintain eye contact Need sameness: strong negative reaction to change Few have normal speech patterns Echolalia: repeating what has just been said No cures Treatment: Therapy


8 1. Panic Disorder – B. Anxiety Disorders Symptoms/Treatment:
Anxiety Disorders – disorders whose major symptom is anxiety Anxiety – generalized feeling of apprehension and impending disaster Panic disorder Frequent, overwhelming attacks of anxiety that are not associated with specific objects or events Often start when something is physically or chemically wrong at first, not connected to anything specific but panic spreads and becomes associated with more and more objects and evetns Treatment – drugs, psychotherapy

9 B. Anxiety Disorders cont’d
2. Phobic Disorders Symptoms/Treatment A person becomes disabled and overwhelmed by fear in the presence of certain objects/events Cause – begins with associations and learning All of us have mild phobias Treatment – psychotherapy Pg. 515 Phobia list

10 B. Anxiety Disorders cont’d
3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive – endless preoccupation with a certain urge or thought Compulsive – a symptom involving repeated, symbolic, ritualized behavior BOTH repetitive thought AND repetitive behavior Example: gamblers, hand washers Caused by faulty attempts to resolve guilt, anxiety, insecurity You are dirty! – wash hands Insecure – are my doors locked? Treatment – psychotherapy, some drug therapy

11 C. Somatoform Disorders
Psychological issues are expressed in bodily symptoms in the absence of any real physical symptoms.

12 C. Somatoform Disorders cont’d
1. Conversion Disorder – serious psychological trauma is changed into a symbolic physical dysfunction

13 C. Somatoform Disorders cont’d
2. Hypochondriasis – excessive concern about ones health and exaggerating the seriousness of minor physical complaints.

14 D. Dissociative Disorders
Memory of part of one’s life becomes disconnected from other parts.

15 D. Dissociative Disorders
1. Amnesia – traumatic events seem to disappear from memory.

16 D. Dissociative Disorders
2. Fugue – a person forgets his current life and starts a new one somewhere else.

17 Dissociative Disorders
3. Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID) – a person divides himself into separate personalities that can act independently. NOT schizophrenia

18 Disorders characterized by emotional states
E. Mood Disorders Disorders characterized by emotional states

19 1. Dysthymic Disorder – moderate depression
E. Mood Disorders 1. Dysthymic Disorder – moderate depression “Common cold” of mental illness

20 E. Mood Disorders 2. Major Depression – severe depression with loss of appetite, lack of energy, suicidal thoughts.

21 Suicide stats: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

22 F. Schizophrenic Disorders
Psychosis involving disorganized thoughts and garbled speech as well as hallucinations and delusions. MOST serious mental disorder

23 F. Schizophrenic Disorders
1. Catatonic – Disturbance of movement. They do not talk or say very little.

24 F. Schizophrenic Disorders
2. Paranoid – Strong feelings of suspicion and persecution

25 F. Schizophrenic Disorders
3. Undifferentiated – lacks distinguishing symptoms


27 G. Personality Disorders
A person has formed a peculiar or unpleasant personality

28 G. Personality Disorders
1. Anti-social Personality Disorder – a person seems to have no conscience and is in constant trouble with the law. sociopath

29 G. Personality Disorders
2. Borderline Personality Disorder – Unstable emotions and relationships, dependency, and manipulation. Self-destructive behavior.

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