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Do Now Please answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Please answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Please answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper
Write Your Name, Date, and Period # please Your companion astronaut identified a living thing on their exploration of the unknown planet. They have sent you a microscope slide with a small sample of the alien organism’s cells. 1. What do you look for to determine similarities between the alien organism’s cells and cells you might find on earth? 2. What do you look for to determine if the cells could be from an animal-type organism, or plant-type organism?

2 Similarities and Differences in Parts and Processes
Plant and Animal Cells Similarities and Differences in Parts and Processes

3 What Makes Up An Organism?
Organisms need structures and systems which help them carry out life functions Each system has specific parts which carry out unique functions. These parts work together to ensure the system works properly Do cells have parts?

4 The Cell Theory The cell is the basic unit of structure.
All living things are made up of one or more cells.

5 The Cell Theory A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing all the life functions.

6 The Cell Theory All cells come from pre-existing cells.
Through mitosis one cell makes 2 cells, etc.

7 Exceptions to the Theory
Viruses can only reproduce inside a host Mitochondria & Chloroplasts have their own DNA and can replicate

8 1. The Cell Wall* **NOT FOUND IN ANIMAL CELLS**
Rigid outer boundary of plant and bacterial cells Provides protection and support Constructed of Cellulose

9 2. The Cell Membrane Thin, flexible envelope that surrounds the cell
Semi-permeable (selective in allowing particles to enter or exit the cell) Gate-Keeper of the cell

10 3. Cytoplasm Thick-fluid solution filling cells, enclosed by the membrane Site of most chemical reactions

11 4. Nucleus Controls all the activities of the cell Brain of the cell
Contains Chromosomes (DNA) Brain of the cell Surrounded by a Nuclear Envelope, separating it from the rest of the cell Contains Nucleolus, lil’ Nucleas Makes RNA

12 5. Ribosomes Site of protein synthesis
Where proteins are made Can be floating free in cytoplasm or attached to Endoplasmic Reticulum Helps to transport proteins Maze of passage ways

13 6. Chloroplasts* **Not found in animal cells** Site of photosynthesis
Contains green pigment Chlorophyll

14 7. Mitochondria Site of cellular respiration “Power house” of the cell
Where chemical reactions occur producing energy (ATP) “Power house” of the cell Contain their own DNA and can replicate Sometimes are linked with ribosomes

15 8. Vacuole Stores nutrients for energy and wastes
Large, round sac-like structure generally storing water MUCH larger in plant cells which can have central vacuole.

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