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ICT as Platform for Change

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1 ICT as Platform for Change
Lesson 11 ICT as Platform for Change • ICT as a medium for advocacy • Power of social media • Digital citizenship

2 At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. understand the importance of ICT as a platform for social change; 2. understand the events that ICT helped realize; and 3. use prior ICT knowledge in planning a campaign using online resources. Discuss with the students the roles played by ICT in the recent history of our country (see: worktext). Ask the students: Why is ICT considered a platform for change?

3 ICT: An Avenue to Social Change
ICT has helped improved communication when Filipinos needed it the most. Radyo Veritas helped in the success of the People Power Revolution. Text brigades helped in the success of EDSA Dos. Social media sites like Facebook helped in the success of the Million People March. Finally, technologies like the People finder helped bring comfort to families looking for their loved ones during calamities like Yolanda. The students may be divided into 2-3 groups. The groups will come up with a list of different online organizations that help achieve social change and how the following organizations function online.

4 is dubbed as the world’s platform for change where anyone from the online community can create a petition and ask others to sign it. During the past times, petitions are only done through signing a paper, usually done by a group asking for signatures via travel. gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their digital signatures on a petition.

5 The Mission’s mission is to help people from around the world create the change they want to see.

6 Signing an Online Petition
1. Visit 2. Click on Log in on the upper right hand of the page. 3. Click Sign up or log in with Facebook. 4. You can then start your own petition, but for now, click on any petition you want under trending petitions. 5. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to you. If it is, sign the petition by filling up the information on the right side of the screen. 6. Share the petition on Facebook to promote it.

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