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LACONEC A Large-scale Multilingual Semantics-based Dictionary

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Presentation on theme: "LACONEC A Large-scale Multilingual Semantics-based Dictionary"— Presentation transcript:

1 LACONEC A Large-scale Multilingual Semantics-based Dictionary
Lê Khánh Hùng, Trần Cảnh, Võ Công Minh, Lê Hồng Minh

2 Content Purposes of LACONEC General Design Functions Conclusion

3 Purposes Cross-lingual lookup and reference
Preserving languages at risk A Multilingual Knowledge Base for NLP’s Tasks

4 Multilingual Reference and MT
Google Translate & Dictionary - 91 languages Babylon Dictionary - 75 languages Yandex Translate - 63 languages Microsoft Bing Translator - 51 languages Vietnam - more than 100 languages The World - more than 7,100 languages,

5 Many Languages are dying
Population range Living languages Number of speakers Count Percent Cumulative Total >100,000,000 8 0.1 0.1% 2,529,403,578 % 10,000,000 to 99,999,999 82 1.2 1.3% 2,480,078,977 % 1,000,000 to 9,999,999 304 4.3 5.5% 915,659,448 % 100,000 to 999,999 943 13.3 18.8% 296,136,843 % 10,000 to 99,999 1,822 25.7 44.5% 61,802,734 % 1,000 to 9,999 1,982 27.9 72.4% 7,633,408 % 100 to 999 1,065 15.0 87.4% 464,299 % 10 to 99 338 4.8 92.1% 12,777 % 1 to 9 140 2.0 94.1% 560 % 206 2.9 97.0% Unknown 212 3.0 100.0% Totals 7,102 100.0 6,291,192,624 Distribution of world languages by number of first-language speakers (

6 Languages in Vietnam 5 Dying Languages 37 Languages in Trouble
50 Vigorous Languages 16 Developing Languages

7 NLP Applications Machine Translation Proofing
Multilingual Full-text Content Search Text Mining Answering OCR, ASR Information retrieval

8 Limitations of Current MT Systems
The small number of languages Low quality The Absence of reliable reference dictionary No Semantic Processing No Language Understanding

9 The overall design of LACONEC
Problems to be solved Multilingual Solution Cloud computing

10 Problems Huge Database Dayly Changes of Lexicon
Dictionary’s Quality Control

11 Bilingual Vietnamese English French Japanese Thai

12 Semantics-based Solution
Vietnamese Japanese Meaning Thai English French

13 require as useful, just, or proper
Example require as useful, just, or proper involve exiger quy định 要求 postulate ต้องการ nécessiter require đề nghị 求める demander ปรารถนา demand yêu cầu 要する requérir necessitate วางเป้าหมาย đòi hỏi 要求+する take


15 Functions of LACONEC Look up Editing Knowledge and User Rating
Future Developments

16 Lookup Selection of languages Lookup monolingual
Lookup bilingual, multilingual Lookup on the web Lookup in applications Windows App Android App [iOS, MAC]

17 Select Languages

18 Unilingual Lookup

19 Bilingual/Multilingual Lookup


21 Web version

22 Editing Editing directly in lookup window Knowledge Editor
Creating Relationships Lexical Relations Semantic Relations Pragmatic Relations Adding new languages

23 Quick Editing

24 Knowledge Editor

25 Knowledge Ranking Automatic Data Gathering
WordNets Open source Bilingual Dictionaries News, Encyclopaedias, Multilingual Sites Update manually from the Community Automatic Content Ranking Remembering users’ actions User Scoring

26 User Scoring

27 Future Developments Dictionary Expansion
More Languages Multimedia External Links  Multilingual corpus Interlingual Machine Translation & Proofing Multilingual Full-text Content Search

28 Conclusion
LACONEC can be used as: A Multilingual General Purpose Dictionary A Database for NLP’s Tasks For Preserving Languages-at-risk around the world An Environment for Research in Contrastive Linguistics

29  Thank you!

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