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What is Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD)

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Presentation on theme: "What is Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS 13TH SEPTEMBER 2017 Linda Chic BDB Officer & Helpline The Sickle Cell Society

2 What is Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD)
Sickle cell is a hereditary blood disorder that affects the way blood carries oxygen around the body. The red blood cells can become stiff and get stuck when they try to go through veins. This can cause severe pain (crisis) and serious health problems.

3 How do you get Sickle Cell Disorder & Trait?
There are two genes for haemoglobin, one of which is inherited from each parent. If one normal gene (A) and one abnormal gene (S) are passed on from the parents, only half of the haemoglobin produced will be abnormal and the individual will be a carrier of the abnormal gene. This is commonly referred to as having the trait of the disease.

4 Sickle Cell Demographics
It is the most common inherited condition in the UK and globally with approximately -15,000 affected in the UK -2,000,000 affected in the world Most common in people whose family origin is: African African- Caribbean Asian Mediterranean ... but not exclusively

5 Role of The Sickle Cell Society
SCS Advance public education and awareness Provision of respite recreation and leisure for individuals and their families Support for individuals and their families Support medical research endeavours

6 The role of BDB at the Sickle Cell Society
To provide advice, information and support about SCD to our Francophone and Lusophone service users (as well as their families and carers) via , online and in person.

7 The role of BDB at the Sickle Cell Society
We signpost and refer service users, carers and families to appropriate services or agencies to help achieve successful helpline enquiries.

8 Resources All our French and Portuguese resources been approved by the board of Information Standard.

9 ‘Lucy’ Lucy moved to London from France after a divorce, with two young children who suffer from SCD. Lucy contacted me following a presentation I hosted at her local hospital. With the support of BDB Lucy was able to be rehoused closer to her children’s hospital.

10 Future aims Conduct outreach projects nationwide.
Raise awareness of our services by working with YouTubers Include a BDB specific page on our soon to be updated website, where all resources will be downloadable. Investigate possibilities of developing resources in Arabic.

11 Sickle Cell Society Website: Facebook: Sickle Cell Society UK Twitter: @SickleCellUK

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