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The Other Side of American Life Pgs

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1 The Other Side of American Life Pgs. 582 - 587
Chapter 16.3

2 Poverty Amid Prosperity
The Poverty Line This is the minimum needed to live 1 in five Americans live below this in the 1950s The Other America The Decline of the Inner City Consider the people left behind Urban renewal – the best of intentions Destroyed cheap housing, forced people together, punished self improvement

3 Cont. African Americans
Millions came to northern cities before the end of WWII Racism & discrimination was in the north too Last hired, first fired 51% pay to whites A Raisin in the Sun “The ghettos are killing us…”

4 Cont. Hispanics Bracero Program – brought millions as migrant workers
Thousands stayed Long hours & low pay wandering farm to farm Lived in shacks & were ignored by white America

5 Cont. Native Americans Appalachia
Poorest group in the US – less than $1000 a year Termination Policy – force them to be like us Some tried to take advantage of them Appalachia Regions along the mountains Relied on coal – workers not as demanded Poor food & health care

6 Juvenile Delinquency Children become involved in criminal activity
TV, comics, movies etc. Young people are generically targeted People turn to schools Where does the money come from? Sputnik – we’re behind the Soviets People a willing to support schools to save America’s youth.

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