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Phase synchronization and polarization ordering

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1 Phase synchronization and polarization ordering
IMEDEA Palma de Mallorca, Spain Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays Alessandro Scirè, Pere Colet and Maxi San Miguel

2 Motivation.I Synchronization, phase transitions and cooperative effects IMEDEA

3 Motivation.II IMEDEA K Kuramoto model:
analogy between synchronization and phase transition IMEDEA Order parameter is a measure of the degree of synchronization Critical behavior 2nd order phase transition K

4 Motivation.III IMEDEA Phase transitions in optics 1. Laser oscillation
“A complete analogy of the laser light distribution function to that of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity is found mathematically which allows us to interpret the laser threshold as a quasi-second-order phase transition”. [Cooperative phenomena in systems far from thermal equilibrium and in non-physical systems H. Haken Rev. Mod. Phys –121 (1975)] 2. Many-modes laser dynamics Introduction of a theory for the ordering of many interacting modes in lasers is presented. By exactly solving a Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution of waveforms in the laser in steady state, equivalence of the system to a canonical ensemble is established, where the role of temperature is taken by amplifier noise. Passive mode locking is obtained as a phase transition of the first kind. [Phase Transition Theory of Many-Mode Ordering and Pulse Formation in Lasers Ariel Gordon and Baruch Fischer, Physical Review Letters (2002)]

5 Lasers with polarization degree of freedom
IMEDEA Amplitude equation for lasers with polarization degree of freedom m net gain w detuning b nonlinear frequency shift. g cross saturation term. g<1 => Linearly Polarized solutions are stable. ga dichroism gp birefringence d preferential polarization direction M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 425 (1995). A. Amengual, D. Walgraef, M. San Miguel & E. Hernández-García, PRL, 76, 1956 (1996). Array of lasers with global coupling:

6 Phase model.I IMEDEA Disregarding polarization (2yj(t)=dj=d0, gp=0):
Kuramoto model for limit cycle oscillators. Y. Kuramoto, Chemical Oscillations, Waves & Turbulence, Springer (1984). G. Kozyreff, A.G. Vladimirov & P. Mandel, PRL 85, (2000), PRE 64, (2001), Europhys. Lett. (2003)

7 Phase model.II Mean field vs local coupling IMEDEA Kuramoto model in a square lattice: with local coupling. The synchronization process is shown to be the same, but for a rescaling of the coupling K [arXiv:Cond-mat ] MF 3rd 2nd 1st

8 Order parameters.I IMEDEA Pw distribution of frequencies
definitions IMEDEA Pw distribution of frequencies Pd distribution of polariz. angles Two order parameters to characterize the degree of collective synchronization: phase synchronization polarization ordering

9 Uncoupled case. IMEDEA C=0 Stationary solutions: Then
Continuous limit: P(d): distribution of natural polarization angles

10 Global phase synchronization transition
IMEDEA sw<< sd Take yj=dj/2 then: Small disorder: define an effective coupling as: Finally: Effective Kuramoto model => Apply standard techniques. Pw distribution of natural frequencies

11 Polarization ordering transition
IMEDEA sw<< sd Assume phase synchronization Not a Kuramoto-like model! However, we can apply similar techniques. Using order parameter definition: Implicit eq. for stationary values Introducing stationary values in order parameter definition provides a self-consistent eq. P(d): distribution of natural polarization angles

12 Order parameters.II IMEDEA sw=0.01 sd=0.91 numerical results
Coupling term in polarization eq.

13 Synchronization transitions
Coherence lowering due to polarization ordering IMEDEA sw=0.01 sd=0.91

14 Synchronization transitions
IMEDEA sw~ sd sw=0.12 sd=0.91

15 Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays
IMEDEA Palma de Mallorca, Spain Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays Conclusions We introduced a prototype model to study phase synchronization and polarization ordering in oscillators with polarization degree of freedom, with a possible application to VCSELs arrays. We derived a self-consistent theory to provide the order parameters describing the transitions to phase synchrony and polarization ordering.

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