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Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE
Earth Science Requirements for Grid Wim Som de Cerff, KNMI

2 DEGREE DEGREE is a Specific Support Action (SSA) project, aiming to:
Promote GRID technology throughout the Earth Science community Bridge the ES and GRID communities 10 partners - 7 countries IISAS Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France KNMI Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands UNINE Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland CRS4 Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Italy SCAI Fraunhofer Institute, Germany GCRAS Geophysical Center Russian Academic Science, Russia ESA-ESRIN European Space Agency, Italy CGG Compagnie Générale de Géophysique, France Dutch Space Dutch Space, The Netherlands


4 Earth Science Community
Objective Disseminate and promote uptake of Grid in wider ES community, integrate newcomers Eliminate the gap between ES Users and Grid Technology Convince ES users of Grid benefits and capability to tackle complex problems Investigate the feasibility of a community wide Earth Science Knowledge Infrastructure Earth Science Community Requirements Technologies Feedback Applications Dissemination DEGREE EGEE & various GRIDS

5 Earth Science What is different in Earth Science?
ES deals with geospatial data in combination with time components (4D) in various scales and resolutions, consists of many different domains, scattered among all countries in numerous institutes, using complex applications

6 Earth Science Global, regional, local applications
Alternative use of the data at different time and spatial resolution Large historical distributed archives Long term data archives to be exploited Near real-time access to data For processing, value adding and dissemination For now-casting and alert Models to provide long term trends and forecast Processing-intensive, data-intensive and complex applications Data fusion, data assimilation, data mining, modelling … Integrate different data sources Link data to technical information and scientific results Atmosphere Ocean Biosphere Cryosphere First guess Optimal Trajectory Coupled interdisciplinary processes Complex data analysis Noisy observations Sub-surface complex modelling Complex web of sensor

7 ES applications examples
ESA, UTV, KNMI, IPSL- Production (3 algorithms) and validation of 7 years of GOME Ozone profiles (IPGP) Rapid Earthquake analysis (mechanism and epicenter) CPUs CGG- Geosciences: Geocluster for Academy and industry CRS4, UNINE- Modeling seawater intrusion in costal aquifer (SWIMED) IISAS-Flood of the Danube river-Cascade of models (meteorology, hydrology) Specfem3D: seismic wave propagation model Benchmark for MPI (2 to 2000CPUs) DKRZ- climate impacts on agriculture

8 Challenges for DEGREE Degree is preparing the ES Grid future !
Requirements from complex ES applications Requirements of different ES domains Applications may use non-standardized protocols/tools Disseminate ES requirements to Grid Community EGEE Other Grid developers Open Grid Forum (OGF) Provide test suite Evaluate Grid middleware, tools and standards Data management: OGSA-DAI, metadata catalogs, … Job management: workflow, near real-time job execution, fault tolerance, … Portal: JSR-168 and WSRF technologies, Gridsphere, OGCE, Sakai, … Asses Grid capabilities to fulfill ES application needs Need tight cooperation with developers to follow the evolution Developers can benefit from the feedbacks Degree is preparing the ES Grid future !

9 Strategy Collect applications and scenarios
Analyze them for requirements Create list of ES requirements Analyse what Grid M/W and tools are available for: Data management Job management Portals Communicate requirements to developers Provide application scenarios (test suites) Provide and explain application needs Join workshops Communicate to ES community Show application results Join and organize workshops White paper Current state of the art Essential ES needs Critical success factors

10 Work done User requirements document
Defined ES Families of applications for improvement of: communication with M/W developers integration of new applications requirements tracking requirements Families defined: Simple* applications Complex applications Complex workflow applications (* regarding Grid requirements) Families and their requirements Complex workflow Complex Simple Simple Complex Workflow Families are disjunctive

11 Work done Surveys of existing Grid M/W created for:
Data management Workflow management Portal software Dissemination: newsletters, conferences, workshops, papers, etc. Currently composing test suites Will cover all families and main ES requirements Consist of ES applications for testing specific M/W components Freely available All documents available on:

12 Concluding remarks ES is a large user community for which Grid / e-Science is an essential improvement Requirements are stated Surveys for existing M/W done for: Data management Workflow management Portal software Application examples are available, test suites are being developed We can provide support to M/W developers for trying to understand our requirements

13 Questions? All information on:
Subscribe to our newsletter See other DEGREE papers, presentations and posters: Today's Status of Data Management in Earth Science Yesterday 15:20, Data management session, M. Petitdidier Job management and control in Earth Science Poster, V. Tran Workshop on data management and web portals in Sardinia June 14-15, see

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