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Presentation on theme: "THE THERAPEUTIC NURES-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP BY: PR. DR. ELHAM FAYAD"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction: The nature of the nurse-patient relationship, its importance in psychiatric nursing, the principles behind it and the stages of it are going to be explored in the following part.

3 Definition: It is a relation that involves two persons, a professional one “nurse” who has the ability to help and relieve patient’s discomfort, and the other person “patient” who is seeking relief of some exiting condition.

4 Importance of the nurse-patient relationship:
1. Failure in early relationships, then in later life is one of the factors contributing to mental illness. 2. The nurse-patient relationship could be used to re-educate mental patients to relate properly to people. 3. Patients’ needs can only be assessed and met through this relationship. 4. It is one of the tools of psychotherapy 5. It can be used to influence the patient towards participation in other forms of treatment.

5 CONT. 6. It provides changes and growth for the nurse and patient.
7. The patient’s ability to return to the community depends on this relationship.

6 Differences between social and professional relationships:
* Interaction is primairy for reasone of pleasure or companion-ship * Concerned with helping the patients(regadhess their sex,religion,race..etc) * No person is the position of responsibility * Require the help of persons with scientifc knowledge and special skills(the nurse). * There is no this intention *There is intention of dealing with other’s problems. * The goal is more or less social * The relationship is purposeful directed toward a therapeutic end * It is up to the partners toshare thare their personal affairs *The relationship should not entail the nurse's personal matters or problems. * Unlimited * Time limited

7 Principles Underlying The Nurse-Patient Relationship
1. To follow the psychiatric nursing principles (part 3) 2. To develop awareness of the total client, know his physical and psychosocial needs and be sensitive to his way of expressing these needs 3. To understand herself (her feelings, motives, needs, prejudices, ..etc.) and to develop awareness of “What” she is doing, “ she is doing it and “how” does this affect the relationship.

8 4. To develop the ability to empathies with her patient
4. To develop the ability to empathies with her patient. Empathy helps the nurse to understand, not how she might feel in the situation but how the patient feels in the situation. 5. To use appropriate limits and maintain consistency in setting it. 6. To properly use communication techniques. 7. To benefit from previous experience with other patients.

9 Phases of the nurse-patient relationship

10 1)Initation(orientation)Phase:
A) Description: Partners (nurse-patient) are strangers to each other. Both are lacking knowledge abcut the situation, having mutual expectation. The patient may behave in a manner to test the nurse and the whole situation, and may resist to share his feelings.

11 b) Nurse' aim: To establish contact. To collect information.
To maintain rapport. To gain patient acceptance and trust.

12 c) Tasks involved: Orient the patient to herself, hospital personnel, facilities, rules, and routines. Collect data through observation and interviews and identify problems. Hold neutral attitude towards patient's beliefs and action. Allow for some degree of dependency. Be honest and consistent to build up trust and security in patient. Establish a clear contract with the patient (state the goal of the relationship, Make a tentative care plan, carry it out and modify it as more data are gathered.


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