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Project Molalla Microprocessor-based Charge Controller

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Presentation on theme: "Project Molalla Microprocessor-based Charge Controller"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Molalla Microprocessor-based Charge Controller
Team Andrew Melton John Turner Antoinette Realica Advisor Dr. Lu Industry Representative Mr. Andrew Hui Intel Corp. October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

2 Overview Introduction September Goals Accomplishments Plans
Issues/Concerns Conclusions October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

3 Introduction Build a microprocessor-based charge controller
Select between pre-existing charging source and solar-powered charging source Molalla Product October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

4 Introduction Implemented in hybrid vehicles
Photo taken from: Implemented in hybrid vehicles Environmentally-friendly Flexibility in vehicle power source selection Present and future technologies October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

5 September Goals PSpice Modeling Designs for components Research
DC-DC converter and sources Designs for components Bill of materials Research October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

6 Accomplishments Functional Specifications 1.0 Website
Narrowed down boost designs Consulted local part suppliers Began PSpice simulations PIC Programming Research October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

7 Plans Further PSpice Modeling Select boost topology Small scale model
DC-DC converter Select boost topology Small scale model Acquire materials Research October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

8 Concerns/Issues Acquiring components for accurate testing
Staying on schedule and within budget Creating effective PIC transfer function Maintaining efficiency large voltage gain = high component stresses October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

9 Conclusions Progress Functional Specifications 1.0
Search for materials Small scale model October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

10 Questions ? October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
October, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering

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