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The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe

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1 The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe
IS0905 Start date: 25/5/2010/ End date: 24/05/2014 Year: 3 SVETLIČIČ MARJAN, Vice chair Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

2 What is going on? Taken over by Zhelian Geely Automotive Group !!

3 Scientific context and objectives (1/2)
1. Background / Problem statement: FDI traditionally from North to South, Now faster from South to North. 2. Main objectives: to develop and sustain a research network to study the impact Southern Multinationals (SMNCs) on Europe and its stakeholders (economic, political/cultural…); to develop an enhanced capacity for scholarly analysis of the emergence of SMNCs to assess existing EU wide and country policies in relation to this phenomenon and make policy recommendations.

4 Research directions and policy implications
data mining: (primary and secondary) regarding SMNCs, Identification of SMNCs drivers and motivators similarities and differences with traditional MNCs, Country, sector and company related; Assessing the impact of the SMNCs on Europe. 2. Policy implications on national (host&home), sectorial, regional, global levels; 3. Innovative work: integration of different disciplinary perspectives in forging significant scientific breakthroughs, Topic itself is innovative and highly relevant for Europe, Review, formation and establisment of data bases for SMNCs and institutions.

5 Working groups Working group: Integrated Data
Working group: Drivers and Motivators (Strategies) Working group: Impacts on Europe Working group: Policy Implications

6 Results vs. Objectives Results meet the objectives set by very active WGs at special meetings and conferences WG 1: a comprehensive picture of all pertinent data sources, identification of data gaps, exchange of data for cross fertilization of research, Multilatinos data base. WG 2: drivers and strategies of SMNCs have commonalities and differences regarding traditional theories of internationalization. WG 3: different entry modes imply different impacts/micro performance. Asset seeking FDI, M&A and link inward outward FDI were in the forefront. WG 4: different policies yield different results (on competitiveness…), cultural differences matters. Special Issue of Journal Critical Perspectives On IB and Palgrave book in preparation.

7 Most successful long term impact
Doctoral tutorial at EIBA; 'EMERGING MARKETS AND THEIR CORPORATE PLAYERS: SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT' Most successful long term impact Reputed non members scholars as tutors, Participants already publish in high quality journals, papers accepted at conferences, Intensively included in COST Action activities The Doctoral Think Tank (DTT) is creating a network among young scholars.

8 Significant Highlights in Science (1/2)
5 books, 15 chapters in books, 17 Journal articles published Participation at 16 conferences (7 major in the field), 17 other activities ( working papers, teaching, consultancy…. Scientific Value added: Awareness enhancing about the phenomenon of MNCs and their future importance; policy implications , SMNCs prefer acquisitions, pay higher price, The higher the home country disadvantages the higher the probability for knowledge upgrading FDI (in High tech the opposite), Created Institutional Quality Dataset allowing to examine whether SMNCs behave differently than other multinationals in different quality of institutions.

9 Significant Highlights in Networking (2/2)
Very active participating at EIBA annual conference Brighton: organizing a plenary session on Southern MNCs numerous papers by Action members at other sessions Participation at other conferences (AIB, EPI Parma, Cambridge Symposium…..) Action members were able to propose FP 7 project ; Sustainable Development and Multinational Enterprises: friends or foes? (Italian coordinator) Presentation of results at European Parliament Hearing on EU-China Investment Policy, Five Action members successful in obtaining national funding.

10 Challenges Create a synthesis and integration of the outputs,
Assessing the impact of SMNCs on Europe in absence of comprehensive data, Lack of research funds which could stimulate more joint research in gaps identified and by applying new methodologies, Possibility to finance perspective young PhD (integrated in a COST tutorial) at conferences shorter than 5 days,  Unwillingness of firms to disclose data during the crises, and confidentiality issue in existing data banks, More activities for dissemination of results (funding????); SMNCs percieved as predators!!! 

11 Action Parties Grant Holder: Trinity College Chair: Prof. Louis Brennan, Ireland

12 Action participants

13 Use of COST Instruments
Activity (No.) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 MC/WG Meetings 4 5 9 STSMs 2 8 Training Schools 1 Workshops or Conferences Joint Publications 1 (book only) 6 10

14 Thanks for your attention
Be aware; „Chinese….. are coming“, they are here already, Get ready.

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