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9th FUI Stakeholder Group Meeting Dublin, 16 June 2010

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1 9th FUI Stakeholder Group Meeting Dublin, 16 June 2010
FUI Priorities 9th FUI Stakeholder Group Meeting Dublin, 16 June 2010

2 FUI Priorities 2010 - 2012 Coordination of Long Term Auctions
Market Coupling Addressing barriers to efficient flows New Interconnector Investment Balancing (Intra Day)

3 Coordination of Long Term Auctions
Regional coordination of long term explicit auctions is a key component of the CMGs. Main options identified in the paper are: Full harmonisation: single set of rules leading to single auction system for FUI for all borders in the region, operated by a central body Moderate harmonisation: matching of timeframes for auction of capacity, types of products and implementation of fully compatible systems Gradual approach CWE - common auction platform with capacity on interconnectors is offered separately. TSOs proposals on coordination of long term auctions – 9th SG Meeting: Products Nominations Other aspects

4 Market Coupling Target Model - Single Price Coupling across Europe PCG, AHAG and Framework Guidelines Implications of and development in for the FUI region Scenario A: IFA and Britned couple GB to CWE Scenario B: Britned interim solution for 2011, then full IFA FUI – CWE Coupling Consideration to be given to GB/CWE - SEM coupling following this Prerequisites to Market Coupling and other issues: Price References Physical Firmness Triad Charges and other identified barriers to efficient flows

5 Addressing Barriers to efficient Flows
Key barriers identified are: SEM design issues (gate closure, requirement to bid ½ hourly prices in SEM etc) GB charges and Interconnector Losses, Firmness on IFA SEM RAs to update FUI on barriers NG will review charges and consult on possible changes in summer 2010 Ofgem consultation and conclusions considering firmness issue Bundled products

6 New Interconnector Investment
Ofgem consultation on interconnector policy - seeks views on the appropriate framework for regulated investment. CRE consultation on new IC investment -merchant interconnectors and how to deal with exemptions Potential work areas for FUI include: develop a regional model on regulated interconnector investment, improve cross border investment climate by enhancing communication and cooperation between IC owners, potential investors and regulators and/or develop a coordinated regulatory approach on how to deal with exemptions

7 Balancing FUI Workstream to look at potential mechanisms for increased provision of cross border balancing services. Work stream considering how increased competition in the provision of balancing services can be facilitated by balancing options from cross border reserve providers. GB – France (IFA) focus to date Model for balancing exchanges at the interconnection between France and England, known as the BALIT (BALancing Inter TSO) project – enduring solution November 2010 Compromise solution on 2hr Cross Border Balancing (CBB) product on IFA – Presentation by NG/RTE Regulators will approve the new fee methodology Coordination of balancing on other ICs – extension to Moyle and East West? Links with Intra Day timeframe

8 Intra Day FUI priority paper following target model development at EU level Intra Day Implementation Group Target Model – implicit continuous allocation inter regional with flexibility allowed within regions Market based mechanism and auctions Intermittency in FUI region and Intra Day Intra day – balancing link

9 Conclusions Priorities 2010 -2012 Long Term Coordination
Market Coupling Intra Day Balancing Address Barriers to trade Interconnector Investment

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