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Taxonomy: The Science of Classification

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1 Taxonomy: The Science of Classification
Why is a frog classified as an animal? Why is it considered an amphibian?

2 Aristotle – 400 BC 1. Plants - Herbs/shrubs/trees
2. Animals - Land/fish/birds

3 Scientist Year Accomplishment
Aristotle 384 BC-322 BC Animals grouped according to where they lived…land, sea, air Theophrastus 371 BC-287 BC Classified plants; size and kind of stems: herbs, shrubs, trees John Ray First to use term species Carolus Linnaeus Developed the classification system we use today Antoine Laurent de Jussieu Established the major subdivisions of the plant kingdom Georges Leoplod Cuvier Established major phyla for the animal kingdom Ernst Haeckel Introduced the monera (bacteria) kingdom Herbert F. Copeland Reclassified all microorganisms; placed all nucleated in kingdom protista Robert H. Whitaker Founded the 5 kingdom system; fungi a kingdom

4 Linnaeus Classification System
Carolus Linnaeus (1758)- a Swedish botanist who laid the framework for the classification system we use today Linnaeus divided organisms into taxa, which are divisions with subdivisions Taxonomy- process of identifying and classifying Taxonomist- scientists who study relationships between organisms and classify them

5 Linnaen Taxonomy 1. Artificial classification system
Eight levels- Broad to Specific Only kingdoms during his time were Plantae and Animalia Domain separates kingdoms Kingdom groups of phyla Phylum groups of classes Class related orders Order related families Family genera that share characteristics Genus species grouped together and considered to be very closely related Species a group of organisms that can reproduce together to produce fertile offspring

6 Using the Classification System
1. Each group can be divided 2. Each group has characteristics that the levels under it share. Phylum Chordata Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia

7 Domain is the newest level of taxonomy. Largest of the groups.
A. Domain Archaea B. Domain Bacteria C. Domain Eukarya (Eukaryota)




11 Six-Kingdom System Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae
Animalia Formerly combined as kingdom Monera

12 6 Kingdom System Archaebacteria Prokaryotic, unicellular, autotrophic and/or heterotrophic, cell walls Salt-loving microbes, heat-loving microbes, “extremophiles” Eubacteria Bacteria, blue-green algae Protista Eukaryotic, unicellular, autotrophic and/or heterotrophic, cell walls Amoeba, euglena, paramecium, algae, seaweed Fungi Eukaryotic, unicellular and multicellular, heterotrophic, cell walls Mushroom, puffball, mold Plantae Eukaryotic, multicellular, form true tissues, autotrophic, cell walls Trees, roses, corn Animalia Eukaryotic, multicellular, form true tissues, heterotrophic, no cell walls Earthworm, fruit fly, elephant

13 Scientific Names Reasons for Scientific Names
1. Different uses of common names 2. Differences in languages German – ein hund French – un chien English – a dog Spanish – un perro Canis familiaris - dog Canis latrans - coyote Felis cattus - domestic cat Felis concolor - mountain lion Ursus arctos - grizzly bear

14 Binomial Nomenclature- formal system for naming species scientifically using two names: Genus-species Latin Dead language, won’t change Descriptive Universally accepted by biologists Correct form: italicize the genus and species when typing and underline both when handwriting Homo sapiens

15 Scientific Names Activity Use the internet to search for the following common and scientific names.
Lightning bug (Firefly) Black widow spider Percula Clown fish Emperor penguin Killer Bee (Africanized Honey Bee) Mozartella beethoveni Paraxerus lucifer Polemistus chewbacca Eucritta melanolimnetes Ursus maritimus


17 Example: long-finned pilot whale
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum/Division: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Cetacea Family: Delphinidae Genus: Globicephala Species: melas Scientific name: Globicephala melas

18 Key to the Phylum Vertebrata
Fins present…………………………………………....2 Fins absent……………………………………………..4 Jawless………………………………………………….Agnatha Has jaws………………………………………………..3 Has a cartilage skeleton as adult………………………Chondrichthyes Has a bony skeleton as adult………………………..…Pisces Cold-blooded…………………………………………....5 Warm-blooded…………………………………………..6 Skin naked; no claws………………………..…………..Amphibia Skin with scales; may have claws……………………….Reptilia Skin with feathers, no mammary glands……………….Aves Skin has hair, mammary glands present………………..Mammalia

19 Create and Classify your own Animal Organism!
See assignment on CANVAS

20 Kingdom Posters Choose 1 of the 6 Kingdoms
Poster must include: Kingdom name, cell type, type of nutrition, cell organization (unicellular, multicellular), unique features, examples, pictures You may work with a partner The more information, the better! I will laminate and hang up the best posters!

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