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Vital Village Community Engagement Network Boston Medical Center

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Presentation on theme: "Vital Village Community Engagement Network Boston Medical Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vital Village Community Engagement Network Boston Medical Center
Boston, MA

2 Partner Organizations
Boston Local Initiatives Support Corporation Child Witness to Violence Project Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston Orchard Gardens Pilot School

3 The Vital Village Network SCALE Team
Coalition Leader Community Champion Renee Boynton-Jarrett Founding Director, Vital Village Network Josette Williams Program Manager, Boston Public Schools/Countdown to Kindergarten Local Improvement Advisor Kymberly Byrd Project Manager, Vital Village Network Natanya Behrmann Research Assistant, Vital Village Network We should add Neena’s picture also It would be nice to share MLP and LISC’s also but to my knowledge they do not have pictures online From Kymberly: They asked that we include the pictures of people who are attending CHILA.

4 Since the last CHILA, we are most proud of our progress with trauma-informed classrooms!
OGPS 2013 Curriculum and toolkit co-designed with educators First pilot in 2nd grade class at Orchard Gardens Pilot School Full pilot with K-3rd grade at Orchard Gardens Pilot School August 2015 Curriculum guide finalized and Teacher champion designated September 2015 Expansion from 1 to 4 schools CSR Haynes Lee Academy

5 Trauma-Informed K-3rd Grade Classroom Pilot Year completed at Orchard Gardens Pilot School

6 A story about something we learned since CHILA1….
Relationships Incorporating CHILA1 tools into network meetings  improve relationships among partners CHILA1 Skillsmatch technique  participation in 7 childhood SEL* community events Process PDSA Cycle to improve community outreach (Love Bank Activity & Neighborhood Survey). UFO Exercise to facilitate collective problem-solving among innovation pilots. Results Community survey results have helped frame our next steps. Shared data dashboard success has helped deepen shared investment in metrics. Evaluation support approach  development of 2 survey instruments for partners *SEL=socio-emotional learning

7 What we learned about engaging community members with lived experience
In July, Vital Village Community Partnership finalized their bylaws Bylaws ensure inclusion of community voice in all network activities Defined roles, responsibilities, and contributions for community partners Vital Village Community Partnership

8 What we learned about engaging the BROADER community in supporting our shared aim
Our VVN 90-Day Challenge Process Establishes accountability Ensures transparency Creates a collective identity Co-led a webinar on our 90-Day Challenge Process for population-level change efforts in other cities with our partners from DSNI, Countdown to Kindergarten, and First Teacher Partners modify and personalize the tools for their needs. Example: “The Feedback Loop”

9 Our aim for SCALE is….. By December 2016, we will increase socio-emotional wellbeing for children ages 0-8 by 30%. We plan to improve equity by targeting our interventions in the systematically neglected neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan. I’ll take a stab at redoing this slide, not a specific enough what, who, by when

10 Vital Village Network Driver Diagram
Outcomes Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers By December 2016, we will increase socio-emotional wellbeing for children ages 0-8 in Dudley Square, Codman Square, and Mattapan by 30%. Access to reliable, regularly updated indicators and data to inform collaboration Shared existing data from multiple sources and agreed upon indicators Socially connected caregivers Disseminate peer advocacy curriculum and meeting model Peer to Peer Advocacy workshops, clinics Improve neighborhood social cohesion Improved classroom climates Systematic implementation of trauma-informed models in school settings Integrated neighborhood child opportunity structure Develop local community of practice Network of engaged residents, stakeholders, and organizations Build family protective factors Financial opportunity centers in health centers to reduce material hardships Improved understanding of child development by parents Vision: Aim: Build community capacity, improve social cohesion, and strengthen family protective factors and neighborhood opportunity structures to maximize social-emotional competence and wellbeing for children and families.

11 Metrics we are using to our track progress
Parents’ Assessment of Protective Factors % increase in parental resilience % increase in social connections % increase in concrete support in times of need % increase in social and emotional competence of children Classroom Assessment Scoring System % increase in emotional support % increase in classroom organization % increase in instructional support Neighborhood Measures Social Cohesion Civic Engagement Collective Efficacy

12 What we are learning from our Neighborhood Survey
31 question survey that explores neighborhood connections We were SURPRISED by the findings: Many felt ‘a part’ of their neighborhood and few had concrete support from neighbors. What’s the N for this survey?

13 What we learned from “Switch”
Rider: It is important to demonstrate how measurement and evaluation contributes to capacity building and sustainability. Elephant: It is essential to establish and cultivate meaningful relationships with our partners, ensure that they feel supported in their efforts, and acknowledge the impact of their work on community wellbeing. Path: To minimize burden, our metrics of interest should be incorporated into existing client paperwork used by our partner organizations.

14 Top two things we learned from other communities since CHILA1
Skid Row driver diagram exercise Inclusive process Generated deeper discussion Healthy People of Waterville project Power of storytelling Reinforces importance of positive messaging in community health improvement

15 Our biggest challenge(s) right now are…..
Establishing a system for building and maintaining relationships with the Boston Public School System. Creating a systematic process for partnering with public schools and preschools.

16 We hope to learn this at CHILA2…
Strategies to support the growth of our community data dashboard. Strategies to plan for and work with the school system in Boston. Tools to assist with maintaining relationships and momentum in dynamic and changing complex systems.

17 Best way to contact us:
Vital Village Network @Vital_Village

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